
“Oh, you’re one of the good ones. Here’s some money.”

Eh, I think that the only way to cut this Gordian knot (without setting it on fucking fire) is to call out and encourage decency. It’s at a premium nowadays, and I feel like people are so caught up in their right to feel injured/afraid/angry that the knot just gets tighter.

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Track: God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters | Artist: Moby | Album: Everything Is Wrong

Fake news pairs up really well with bad reporting. Like Jezebel had an article last week about how the US spent 54% of its budget on the military. That was blatantly false and apparently had been lifted from a facebook post.

I’m really hoping they’ll have English and Japanese audio availbile on the actual release version of the game so we can choose which we want. I’d prefer Japanese audio and English subtitles.

Gee, the one unifying theme in all these was a dislike and mistrust of Hillary. Something much of the left agrees with. Someone remind me why the DNC pretty much anointed her as the nominee again?

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,

Agreed with almost all of this. About the characters though, think of this film as a short story. Or as a tale in something akin to The Silmarillion.

OH. That reminds me.

Yeah, didn’t early trailers have scenes of Mothma telling Jyn that she’s being recruited due to her rebelliousness for a dangerous mission? That’s...not what happened at all.

Disney, the home of princesses since forever and the producer of last year’s box office shattering, in-your-face girl power movie The Force Awakens, clearly rethought things because of Ghostbusters. I mean, sure, the Rogue One reshoots began six full weeks before Ghostbusters even debuted, but that’s the only

I think Lucasfilm needs more credit. Disney owns the franchise, but Lucasfilm pulls all the weight, creatively.

Originally the movie was going to be about a very very rebellious Jyn Erso (raised by the extremist Saw Gerrera remember? watch the first trailer for a glimpse of that alternate timeline) but clearly the flop that was the new Ghost Busters made them rethink this in-your-face girl power story line.

I loved Donnie Yen and the comedy relief robot, the Star Wars Rebels easter eggs, the awesome space battles, and the rivalry between Krennic and Tarkin. I’m not sure how I felt about the really dark ending, and letting kids watch it.

So the answer is no, except when it kind of does?

That plus a $9.99 price tag means I won’t be buying it. Nintendo really doesn’t know mobile, does it?

This is flat out absurd.

Firstly, I get why this was written. There is this enormous wave around the interwebs, “what we will tell our children????”. “Protect them!!” This as a parent I find stunning.

But frankly too little too late.

Personally I'll just wait until I see this hovering above New York.