Col Blimp

Weirdly, both Danny Boyles worked on Inspector Morse. I have no opinion as to which is more bangable.

Weirdly, both Danny Boyles worked on Inspector Morse. I have no opinion as to which is more bangable.

No, we were too busy rejoicing that she'd gone. She was deeply unpopular by that point, even in the Tory heartlands where I grew up.

No, we were too busy rejoicing that she'd gone. She was deeply unpopular by that point, even in the Tory heartlands where I grew up.

We're holding a judicial inquiry, which means that lots of juicy evidence of wrongdoing will get a public outing and then in six months time a judge will announce that nobody did anything wrong and business will continue as normal (see the Hutton Inquiry for the textbook example.) But it's fun while it lasts.

We're holding a judicial inquiry, which means that lots of juicy evidence of wrongdoing will get a public outing and then in six months time a judge will announce that nobody did anything wrong and business will continue as normal (see the Hutton Inquiry for the textbook example.) But it's fun while it lasts.

In theory, no - it could also be one of the 800 peers of the realm entitled to sit in the House of Lords. However, this hasn't happened since the Marquess of Salisbury left office in 1902, because that would clearly be ridiculous and Britain is now a modern and forward-looking hereditary monarchy.

In theory, no - it could also be one of the 800 peers of the realm entitled to sit in the House of Lords. However, this hasn't happened since the Marquess of Salisbury left office in 1902, because that would clearly be ridiculous and Britain is now a modern and forward-looking hereditary monarchy.

Phil in Philadelphia

Phil in Philadelphia

The world turns once more.
Mountains crumble to the ground.
Kutcher still not funny.

You'd love The Golem.

I think you're forgetting a little show called Falcon Crest.

He decides the only way to be "truthful" is to record every detail of his life in real time. To this end, he builds a harness like device that allows him to suspend an open notepad at waist height in front of him at all times. He also has an enabling girlfriend who spends her life dashing out for new supplies of

And Blur. And The Auteurs.

"We love the new Dawes album, but you should be wary of trusting our initial critical judgement."

It's her hair in the long-shots, but in the close-ups it's Glenn Close's.

Or Stephen Daldry to direct them.

Able sir, did we lap a lewd Idris Elba?

A man from the distant shores of tomorrow blows your mind by "liking" your comment.