Col Blimp

I'd say Nicola is a good entry point. It has some nice orchestration, as well as some great songs - Go Your Way, My Love might just be his best. However, everything he was involved with from the sixties is great (I simply don't know enough about his later work to know what to recommend.)

Actually, I could live with the Apocalypse looking a little blurry.

For never was a story of more WHOA!!!!
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

The LIKE button is an unwelcome development.

Until today, I preferred Fables, but I find myself persuaded by the force of your argument.

The Ace/Seventh Doctor relationship is one of the best in the show's history. Remembrance is a superb starting point, but if you're up for some timey-wimey head-scratching that makes the current series look relatively straightforward, you could seek out Ghostlight.

The fact that there was a room for the Doctor showed that there must be something he puts faith in. He didn't see any fire exits.

No, darling, but eventually Grandma got tired of keeping us trapped in a virtual reality environment and feeding off our faith in her, so it was time to let her go. So we built Grandma a giant space prison.

But the point about the rooms was that they were deeply personal, and rooted in the experiences of each individual.

If RTD was still showrunner, I'd agree with you, but with Moffat I'm not so sure.

Comment removed after careful reflection.

I have my own van.

Top hole.

Perhaps the volunteers simply preferred the wall.

No sir, I am an arse.

Pay some tax.

If the aliens tried to build a Zooey Deschanel…

Human Centipede 6 isn't a film at all; it consists of the twisted imaginings of people who've only read about the previous movies.

You're welcome. No idea. Enjoy.

It's here: