Colin Ball

The videos, or better the individual clips, that those who wrote about him chose fit into a narrative that, from only what has been said about him before, and was not a true depiction of a person. From what I saw, read, and heard from videos posted by others on the platform defending him, it was dishonest reporting. I

It's not so much a defense of PewDiePie as it is a question of why his name is included in this article when it's been proven over and over again that he's not an anti-semite. Also, the provided link doesn't even back up their claim. So again, him being mentioned makes no point other than to say "HEY, YOU GUYS

There was a scene early in the season where Phil has a framed picture of his family and Sudeikis is standing in it. From that moment, I've been wondering, "They can't have someone of his comedic value in just a picture, right?" So happy when they finally introduced him.