Occam's razor scooter

What is it?

Unfortunately you are also female so be prepared to get upset at things I say.

The Ballers fashion rating average: 65.7 balls plus 3 unprecedented bonus ballsand 1 small ball for me, which is only fair.

Shelvin’ Mack

Except that it’s been quite well documented. The trespassing arrest, the restraining order, the text message in which she says he both cheated on her and strangled her and he tacitly admits it, an endless trail of police reports in Ohio and Florida...

Could the Raptors flip him?

Well my Lambo’s in the shop

“Hmmm. Misusing ICE is the only way I can get a boner.”

This is starting to feel a little Being LeBron Malkovich.

I said, ‘Tristan, we ain’t cut the same’

“He viciously beat dozens of guys with his own hands (many of them other African Americans)! Why is nobody talking about black on black crime? SAD!”

I’m not sure anything could be more American than The Bud Light National Anthem Presented by Aflac

A true Schiano-san

I haven’t seen the Japanese cut off at the knees so belatedly since the Bank of Japan overreacted by raising inter-bank lending rates as a result of the speculative asset price bubble, which of course lead to the dreaded Lost Decade (Later revised to the Lost Score, as the condition persisted into the initial decade

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Maybe this is what pumpkin spice withdrawal looks like.

If you go frame by frame you can see the groundhog is reaching for something

They’ll make it. I swear.

I too know what it feels like to be thirsty...

Now you know what’s in all those barrels.