Occam's razor scooter

Yes you are completely correct. Boxing is going to lose in this no matter what. It’s creating a gimmick at this point. I fear that any “boxing” match from here on out will be some sort of gimmick.

Nailed it.


But she’s pregant! Timeout from talking tennis about world famous tennis player!

that’s how she plays “victim”

Respect me and my privacy? Did he knock on her door or something?

This fight is as if a worn-out 55-year-old hooker tells you she’ll do straight missionary for $1000, and you agree for no other reason than you want to see what all that mileage has done to her pussy.

you da real mgd

Jordan could lose in 3.

People can bash Durant all they want, and they probably will, but the NBA ran a commercial with Dr. J saying “you either have a ring, or you don’t.”

Color Commentator: “....what a touching story, let’s hope that kid beats cancer. And speaking of touching stories about children, Tom can you tell us why the Ducks won’t be facing Luke Heimlich today?”

Gorsh damn right it is

We debated this one for a while trying to parse out Scherzer’s exact string of words, though some of them are pretty obvious. I think we’ve settled on “fucking bastard motherfucking bitch motherfucker” and now I can’t see it any other way.

Pretty impressive that a Johnson picked up a House.

when you find occam’s razor but instead use it to cut your own dick off.

This comment is money.

“This poor performance is really unusual” and yet “it happens to all guys once in a while” are things I also say about my Harden.

If he finds his swing in AA and AAA, who knows, maybe they’ll make Tebow Harvey’s designated best friend and roommate!

Tebow: [Barging into Harvey’s room, jogging in place] Hey Matthew! It’s 4:30, time to hit the gym!
Harvey: [Groggliy] 4:30? Shit, I overslept. Where are we going for dinner?
Tebow: [doing jumping jacks]

Russell Westbrook: “I don’t give a fuck about the line.”

Lance’s late lackluster lay-up leaves losers languishing, lacking LeBron’s look, laugh