
Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll shove DLC down your throats soon.

The fact you think GT is better than super just killed all your credibility...

4K gaming costs money.... but your way better off building a PC. Sony/MS should wise up and stop making consoles, just 1st party games for PCs.

$500 gets you a 1080... if I had to choose between the 2, I’d go PC side for sure I completely agree with you.

Nico is the reason the france team, formerly known as Rogue has been underperforming since the meta switched away from Dive. Unkoe is one of the best supports in the world hands down, which is why he gets focused down so hard.

At the upper master/GM level not having a mercy is basically a guaranteed loss. 

I’m not really interested in controllers and sensors. I’d rather use a mouse and keyboard for precision while gaming. If this can let me “free look” by turning my head, while still using my m+k then I’ll get it for Fallout 4 VR.

He’s ok, the issue is you have to build the team around him which is what players hate.

Judging by the sounds from the video I saw, that was not an AR-15. That was a fully automatic M-4/16. Those are illegal to own unless you have a very specific license, and I doubt this guy got his legally.

You want to see next gen graphics today? Try a PC. On a side note I’m sad this isn’t coming to PC right away... time to whip out the ps4 that’s been collecting dust....

Why should they? Nintendos first party games are typically very polished and continue to sell well for years. I prefer their model over EA’s.

Why should they? Nintendos first party games are typically very polished and continue to sell well for years. I

Another major issue is how over saturated the marketing is. Way too many commercials non stop leading up to the games release. Lower the frequency and save yourselves a ton of money.

You know they’ve been dominating all the major pro teams including Rogue right? The only big team they haven’t played yet is EnvyUs, which is soon.

I carry my 2nd amendment on my hip so ...

Well now, remember those massive chains the White Walkers used? Could be relics of a modern navy.

Oh the better weapon systems are there, didn’t you see the giant aircraft carrier anchor lines they used to raise the dead dragon ?

Make a living room PC for it to fail as well? Here’s the thing about PC gaming, its modular, you can upgrade whenever you damn well please.

Generation 2 will take a few years. Maybe by 2020

all the more reason to use something like g2a

They get their money from keys, other than that steam gets the cut of the pie for their marketplace