
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

“This is fine.”

“A student called me ‘Nutella’ and I told my after-school teacher and she said it wasn’t racist and she made me write the definition of racist,” Nasir told KIRO.


Huh, I don’t recognize that part of Union Station. But, then again, that’s not where I usually get off.

I think you mean cum-on


Pretty sure this adequately describes our current administration...

When to pull your weapon: when your life or the life of others is in jeopardy and you may need to employ lethal force.

“Judge, these people broke the law, please punish them.”

Things that are against the law, which are specifically alleged in this woman’s lawsuit:

Shockingly, we have these things called “laws” which regulate what people can do, and—I know this is the kind of thing that may surprise you—sexual harassment is what’s known as “illegal.”

PBS makes some good shit, watched a ton of their stuff on on Netflix. It would be a real shame if a bunch of immoral greedy fucks were to defund it.

Trying to reconcile these two statements, made back to back in the video.