
Except that Peggy’s legal first name is Margaret, so there’s not necessarily any connection to her brother.

Another one for the list: *Lake Placid*. Bill Pullman, Bridget Fonda, Brendan Gleeson, Oliver Platt, and Betty White. And a giant crocodile in Maine. Snarktastic.

And they did a great job digitally aging Haley Atwell for *Winter Soldier* and *Ant-Man*. Smart money says this is the way they would go for a McGregor appearance.

Do you actually write a new post every time you see an opportunity to complain about BvS, or do you just have a file of stock responses that you can copy from?

Downton Abbey + progressive rock = the Decemberists?

Personally, I’m still pissed that Emma Bull’s sequel to *Territory* got canned. I liked *Karen Memory* quite a bit, though.

Oh gods. No. Just no. I'm still trying to forget that I actually sat through the whole thing.

Aiwa only gets involved after Jake’s plea because he can show her/it/them the thing that none of the Na’vi can: what happened to Earth under human exploitation.

Didn’t we already have this moral dilemma during Stick’s appearance in season 1?

He is now, per the end-of-credits scene in AoU, but it’s a good point: working through proxies has not been a very good strategy for Thanos up to this point.

As opposed to an *increase* in temperature? I’d say that’s a win. Are you just looking for an excuse not to do anything?

The question that should arise from those figures: what the hell is wrong with the US that causes us to use 6x as much energy per capita as Uruguay?

Is it just me, or was the second cop at Rosalind’s apartment - the one with no speaking part - played by Joss Whedon?

We obviously don’t really understand how it works.

Actually, last week was Reboot Week, but we couldn’t think of something new for this week, so we’re rebooting it.

Tomorrow’s sunrise is 8:01 AM, in my neck of the woods (SE Mich). Do you work third shift or something?

“annoying temperature spike in 1998”? That actually happened - 1998 was a massive El Niño year. In fact, it’s the single thing that’s made it possible for denialists to protest “no warming!” in the years since, showing either that they have a massive misunderstanding of data analysis or are trying to fleece other

The latter. We’ve been plowing through millions of years’ worth of sequestered carbon, in the form of fossil fuels, over the last couple of centuries.

Smart money says we have Hope *and* Janet - they’re not going to leave her trapped in the Quantum Realm for too long.