
Nonmonogamy is whatever the people involved in the particular relationship agree that it means.

I mean, this doesn’t seem so surprising. I assume most people over 25 have tried it once.

This totally erases all the shy women who didn’t “adapt”. There are plenty of shy Black women who made it well into adulthood. They didn’t just die.

As a Black man in America I’m proud of the fact that the only time I ever set foot in a muthafuckin church is for funerals.

Is this a press release? Also, John Legend is a slightly above average lounge singer. If you’ve heard 3 John Legend songs you’ve heard em all.

Since he represents the family’s and isn’t a prosecuting attorney what exactly can he do other than file civil suits?

Pretty much. I know plenty of Black folks who own guns, I don’t know a single one in the NRA.

He’s sounding like a real super predator

But can I still talk about how Clinton tried to label my peer group super predators and folks tried to gloss over it? Or do I have to pretend that didn’t happen?

Nope. BLM isn’t the NAACP there is no organized hierarchical structure... They protested Hillary, they protested Bernie and even Obama... The only common thread to BLM is the unjust killing of Black people by the authorities. Plenty of Black activists would have loved to meet with Obama.

Hell, let’s pretend for the sake of argument that it was a competition. The movement to get police to stop brutalizing Black people has no mainstream support while the movement for stricter gun laws has vast mainstream support.

You’re right, it would be nice if yyoung Black people could also get support for the cause of cops not shooting and brutalizing Black people while Parkland protesters get support for gun control... There’s no reason why they both can’t happen at the same time. So why isn’t it happening?

Stupid Russians, they only get one realistic option in their presidential election.

How do I get a job writing about every inconsequential thing on the internet I see that bugs only me?

There are people in the WWE who can act?

Unpopular opinion: Living Single does not hold up to re-watching at all!!! The writing is so cornball. Almost no joke is actually funny, the cast is just going through the motions.

Hotep hipsters would have the world believe that cause they didn’t know about some shit nobody else knew either.

This is one of the biggest scandals in the history of sports. Why is it getting so little attention? A doctor sexually assaulted damn near the entire women’s gymnastic team (almost all minors) and the sports media is like... Ho hum..... This is at least as bad as Penn State.

Dave Chapelle might be the funniest comic alive but.... Who the fuck is this nigga to accuse anybody else of having a “brittle spirit” nigga comedy central offered you 50 million dollars and you were so shook you ran away from showbiz for a fuckin decade. Foh.

Ehh... Using the phrase “true polyamory” Is like using the phrase “true monogamy”. You’re not defining the situation but instead trying to describe the ideal of the situation as you interpret it. I’m sure there are tons of selfish polyamorus folks in a bunch of fucked up relationships, just like its a ton of