Hahahahahaha. Fuck these people. May they be stripped of all their entitlements and left for dead.
Hahahahahaha. Fuck these people. May they be stripped of all their entitlements and left for dead.
Josh Manuel is a closeted homo sexual. I live and Columbus and have heard from multiple sources. Also, if this fuck wad didn’t pledge alligenge due to them not existing, he’d claim some other bullshit.
Who knew that a bunch of outstanding citizens (robbers) would take down these hacks. Thanks robbers!
Too late Jill and fuck you. She is another brick in the wall of what led to a trump victory.
I sell cars for a living. VW’s are shit cars that cost a lot to repair. Fuck VW. I hope they go under.
I’m sure Sam wang is a nice guy and all... but fuck him. His PEC was so far off the margin, along with other pollsters. They need to never poll again.
Then explain why he ditched his grandfather’s funeral as well as his best friend’s wedding? Sounds like he’s a class a sickbay and you’re a mouth breathing cheese head.
DIDnt read the full article did you, asshole?
Explain not attending his friends wedding? Read the fucking article. The guy is being an asshole.
This reeks of Olivia Munn. She seems like a total wack job with a lust for fame.
Cousin fucking scum bag says racist thing. Color me surprised. Oh, and West Virginia is the shittiest state ever. Fuck that ducking cesspool of incest.
At this point, Obama should ask for his resignation. Fuck comey, him losing his job would be the minimum I’d wish on him.
you didn’t really break down much of any examples as to why his 100 plan is frightening. Some of his radical ideas are fantastic. Term limits are great!
Yeah fuck that spick bitch. Deport her fucking ass.
Niggers, Spicks and ignorant women did this. The black people are slaves to their own stupidity.
Fuck Hillary. She’s partially to blame. Her arrogance and psychotic need to be in the White House again helped this far Cheeto fuck win the election. Debbie wasserman Shultz needs to be dragged from her bed and burned as well.
It’s not the Trump supporters that should be blamed. It’s the lazy assholes who thought they’d just stay home and the protest votes cast for 3rd party. They say women, blacks and latinos stayed home today.
Women, negros and latinos are to blame. They stood by and did nothing. They were too lazy to vote.
Well, I voted for Hillary. All you lazy women, blacks, etc get to lie in the bed you made by not voting. Enjoy Jim Crow, mass deportations, a failing economy, and the government controlling women’s bodies.
I fucking wish death on these people.