
God I fucking hope these old racists start some sort of insurrection. Any reason to kill these fucks and wipe their ass of the planet would be music to my ears.

God I’d love to see the military drive in on tanks and low these fucks apart with with a 50. Cal. It who am I kidding? They’re white.

That’s because she’s had a fuck ton of plastic surgery.

Fuck huma abedin for being a piece of shit loser and sticking by her scum bag husbands side. She should’ve been a real woman and left him during his first dick head sexting scandal.

What rumors? Give me a break. People have been saying this shit about trump since pussygate.

“I love the blacks! But those five niggers who raped that girl should be in prison for life!”

Dairy is the biggest acne culprit!!! Avoid dairy. Avoid dairy. Avoid dairy.

Note to chipotle... fuck you

Hope he’s get murdered in jail.

Is is just me or would anyone else like to see some people killing trump supporters if they start pulling intimidation tactics? Fuck these low-life cock suckers. They are a blight on our society and should all die.

Flight attendants being shitty people? Color me shocked. Also, fuck delta. Never flying with them again.

Or maybe she’s a piece of shit who deserved it?

Non publicist here: she fucking staged the whole thing and I hope it backfires for her completely. Fuck this cunt.

No, people think that she’s a cunt and a fame whore. It’s justice served in my opinion.

Love to say it but good on these robbers. Fuck Kim kardashian. There’s a price to pay for being so fake hungry. Too bad they didn’t shoot her in the head.

I honestly feel like most polls are skewed to garner attention. I know this country is full of morons, but to be THAT full?

Why not just kick the ever loving shit out of him?

First of all, you’re talking about a split second reaction. He was standing point blank range and pointing an object in a shooting stance. I hate cops but this unfortunately was justified.

Yes because trashed hotel rooms mean wife beater. Go get fucked with a black cock.

You have no evidence of this. You’re reading too many chick mags. You’re a moron.