
This article is more beautiful than its subject.

Not when you’re the poster child of privilege and entitlement. McCain is an heiress who has been handed a career because of her parental connections and not ability. That’s the last thing she wants. 

Counterpoint to the snark: I like Bosch, and based on the Twitter reactions I’ve seen in the last few years, plenty of other people kept watching it too.

Yep. That’s what the article is about.

And yet I’d rewatch Solo, which is more than I can say for the sequel trilogy.

Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.

Better Call Saul

Yeah. Crazy that they’d keep reporting on one of the biggest films of the year when it makes news. And on a pop culture website nonetheless. What weird obsessives.

“The Last Jedi” isn’t progressive.  It’s just a Star Wars movie.  It’s only “progressive” to people who are so retrograde they can’t stand a movie with, I dunno, more than one woman in it?

white men to blame for everything?  just b/c they’ve been in charge ever since the beginning of time?  makes no sense to me.

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

I believe they are saying that while this game is good, it derives a lot of that good-ness by imitating systems from other games, and there is a risk that since they have made a good game with this formula that will make them money, they will now repeat it until they run it into the ground and make it not fun anymore.

Dude’s been huffing his own farts for so long his brain’s forgotten what oxygen tastes like.

“Could easily have been prevented” by them not being racist assholes.

I’m terrible at video games and beat all of the Souls and related titles.

Were that true, they would have at least asked the teams if it were possible, but they didn’t do that.

Hey, let’s do this on a Saturday, four days away, when all the teams are prepping for a game the very next day, and half the teams are already traveling to an away game, in the middle of college football season.

This was a perfect intro for the series and felt much more like the Star Wars universe in the original trilogy, than anything else Disney has done other than Rogue One. The new Skywalker Saga movies just don’t imbue the same tone, feel, and atmosphere in my opinion.

You might be surprised to learn that freelance film critics don’t have a ton of hiring power at the places where they freelance. But I’d be interested to know if you have any idea what the background of the site’s regular film contributors are. It’s a little weird to be super-invested in “the A.V. Club is garbage

And yet no one seems to laugh when I say “boom boom” and shit myself in the health club sauna.