Stephen Cataldo

I’ve noticed this in my feed, which is largely centered in far-left Berkeley. Men (including white, straight, het) who are participating in #MeToo in a supportive “it happened to me too” way with their personal experiences instead of an antagonistic one are being seen as legitimate and welcomed, I haven’t witnessed a

It’s RomneyCare they scream against=> it already incorporates the sane conservative ideas. And simply, there is no conservative way (i.e. not single-payer) to save money without knocking millions of people, including Trump voters, off health care. Ryan would do this, but at some point Trump realized he’d sink if this

Thanks for writing. I think progressives tired of the angry-right using religion and tired of Fox assuming religious liberals don’t exist ... should spend a lot more time doing what Fox isn’t, noticing and talking with and about religious liberals. We’ve pretty much absorbed the right-wing frame on religion and

Having skimmed this article and many comments, I feel like this is the only relevant piece, though it was largely skipped over in the flavor of the article:

The polls weren’t that far off. They showed it getting very close, generally within their margins of error, and suffered a couple percent point error. The poll-based predictions I’ve trusted most were saying 1 in 3 it would be Trump = being surprised based on the polls is not a massive problem with the polls but

When people say Sanders had no chance, I never hear why they think the polls are off. Everyone already knows he’s some flavor of Socialist, and polls say that Americans are more ok with a Socialist rebel than a racist sexist semi-fascist rebel. Can’t we ever change our theories at the end of the day based on the