Stephen Cataldo

I’ve noticed this in my feed, which is largely centered in far-left Berkeley. Men (including white, straight, het) who are participating in #MeToo in a supportive “it happened to me too” way with their personal experiences instead of an antagonistic one are being seen as legitimate and welcomed, I haven’t witnessed a

It’s RomneyCare they scream against=> it already incorporates the sane conservative ideas. And simply, there is no conservative way (i.e. not single-payer) to save money without knocking millions of people, including Trump voters, off health care. Ryan would do this, but at some point Trump realized he’d sink if this

If the Republican plan would actually cover people who didn’t buy luxury items (though I have employers who’d be annoyed if I didn’t respond at the speed of a smart phone), there would be some sense in these statements. But who said that most people aren’t covering their bills first? How did that become the topic

Thanks for writing. I think progressives tired of the angry-right using religion and tired of Fox assuming religious liberals don’t exist ... should spend a lot more time doing what Fox isn’t, noticing and talking with and about religious liberals. We’ve pretty much absorbed the right-wing frame on religion and

Having skimmed this article and many comments, I feel like this is the only relevant piece, though it was largely skipped over in the flavor of the article:

The polls weren’t that far off. They showed it getting very close, generally within their margins of error, and suffered a couple percent point error. The poll-based predictions I’ve trusted most were saying 1 in 3 it would be Trump = being surprised based on the polls is not a massive problem with the polls but

When people say Sanders had no chance, I never hear why they think the polls are off. Everyone already knows he’s some flavor of Socialist, and polls say that Americans are more ok with a Socialist rebel than a racist sexist semi-fascist rebel. Can’t we ever change our theories at the end of the day based on the