
“to be fair they are working on frickin sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads”

to be fair they are working on sharks with laser beams attached to their heads

Hey, go fuck yourself.

Not to mention the additional 60 million under Soviet rule.....but hey, who’s counting. Always have to single out war with the Germans. If it wasn’t for them the USSR would have been a peaceful place. Right

I dont get it.. If footage was shown on U.S. news Chanels of U.S. forces using Cluster bombs on a occupied city, all hell would break lose. Does your average Russian not ever see this, or do they just not give a shit?

OFF is always an option.

Don’t underestimate it.

You know how sometimes you see a TV show commercial or movie preview where it ends and you go, “How stupid would you have to be to watch that? Who watches that shit?” I knew I needed to find a new job when I realized all my co-workers not only watched all those awful shows and movies, they LOVED them.

During one of her standout performances of the week, Carmen calls a place of business

Does anyone really like these shows? If they do, they are wrong and should feel bad.

Talk radio’s one of those things where the more you think about it, the more you realize that not only can you not figure out why it’s still around, you can’t figure out how it ever started.

Reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Weenie and the Butt were replaced by Dingo and the Baby.

I hate pranks in general, but prank phone calls fill me with an irrational knee-jerk hatred. No wonder it would be a staple of a Morning Zoo-type show. Mean spirited, stupid, just the lowest common denominator stuff. They’re actively making people dumber. Thank god we live in an age where you can personally curate

I got into a twitter fight with a local morning radio producer (not in Chicago) when I tweeted about how the morning show was using a common meme as part of a segment on “bad tindr conversations” and trying to pass it off as something a listener had sent in (it was the stupid “how tall are you?” “How heavy are you?”

I hope that I’m not the only one who can’t stand morning shows with annoying people yammering on about things that I don’t care for.

Spotify take me away.

“Shock jock” morning radio has been deader than dead since Howard Stern’s movie debuted almost twenty years ago.

How in the hell did I ever listen to that shit? It’s been about 15 years, but on my way to work the other day I thought I’d listen to something other than a downloaded podcast. Since NPR’s “Morning Edition” was doing that thing where they play a two-minute-long musical interlude rather than go to the next fucking

I have not listened to morning radio for over 20 years.

Virtually every FM station in the United States has some form of this crap. It’s basically one or two main hosts, usually frat bros and/or “cool chicks” (i.e. women who laugh along with sexist jokes and talk about all the sexy sex they have), with a bunch of producers who either are the target of the hosts’ jokes or

Years ago when I was slaving away in a corporate office, I did 2 things to try and fit in with my “desk grouping” of people. One was watch the bachelor for a few episodes, and the other was listen to a certain morning radio show. It’s all my teammates ever talked about- they loved this shit! Both were absolutely awful