
“Do you know what your sin is?”

That’s just Kira Van lite. Overbuilt and overdone.

Fabulous Max!

Ask Phil Collins.

Came to comments just to see this.

No, the “China Incident” was Japan being an ass. The Rape of Nanking was Japan being an ass. Pearl Harbor was Japan being an ass. The invasion and occupation of the Philipines, Vietnam, Burma, and countless other places was Japan being an ass. The torture of countless prisoners was Japan being an ass. Refusing to

I never play the lottery unless the jackpot is at least $100 million. And then I just get one ticket, on the principle that if there is a god, and he wants me to win, I only need one ticket, and if he does’nt want me to win, buying more than one won’t help. With a $1.3 billion jackpot, I’ll be buying 10 tickets,

You’re not entirely wrong, but the fact is we’re far more likely to be enslaved by our own aristocracy by any outside enemy. At this very moment, one of the major presidential contenders, a man with millions of supporters, is a billionheir who says that the working poor are overpaid. When the ruling class demands that

Can’t wait to see their mascot—the lonely molten salt girl.

Skipping lunch seems like a good way to save bread.

Nice work, Silicon Valet.

Maybe less cops would abuse citizens if those multi-million dollar settlements came out of the police pension funds instead of taxpayers’ pockets.

No argument that people should be paid what their work is worth. But if Chrysler isn’t willing or able to pay the guy turning screws enough to buy a Chrysler, they have no business harassing him for buying what he can afford—or in any case chooses to buy.

If they want to reward people for buying their cars, they need to start by making sure their employees are paid enough to afford to buy the cars they make.

The consitution lays out what the governments jobs are. One is to “promote the general welfare”. Another is to regulate commerce. So yes, it IS the governments job to see to it that workers are not exploited to death by capitalism. You’re taking the side of those who said the government had no business ending slavery.

Apparently you have not noticed that even though the minimum wage has not risen, rent and prices have. Too bad you and the CEOs you worship are unable to grasp the simple common sense that Henry Ford had 100 years ago: If you pay your employees a living wage, they can afford to buy more of the product you’re selling.

And what other labor market exactly will that be? And in the meantime, how low will rent fall, along with the price of food and healthcare? Wages are dropping while the prices of essentials keep rising. People are being squeezed to the point that more and more folks find revolution to be an acceptable option.

You don’t have to ever pay for rent or groceries, do you Ry-boy? If you did, you’d know just how full of shit you are about lower wages and lower prices.

Are you for real? What you fail to see is that when jobs are outsourced, whether it be to robots or chinese slave labor, all of the profit is captured by the owners. Their standard of living is raised, but not that of the former workers.

You obviously don’t feel sorry for anyone, that’s clear enough. Where did their jobs go? To China would be my guess. But by your reasoning that’s their fault too for not anticipating that they should have voluntarily lowered their wages to thirty cents an hour to “compete”.