
You think this will emd with Lyft? If you sell anything to anyone who drives for a living, better start thinking now on who’s going to replace them as your customer. If your business relies on selling things to people who sell things to drivers, get ready to take a hit. When millions of drivers are jobless, they won’t

The downside to robot cars is that tens of millions of human drivers will become jobless, and the hundreds of millions of us who rely on them to be consumers and taxpayers will be very hard put to make up the difference.

Well, it makes sense when you view it in the context of GM being a global company, which requires it to employ many linguists, and they have to be very cunning in able to compete in the global marketplace.

No? This is a site for “serious feminism”, is it? Pardon me while I go read the next post about whatever the Kardashians are up to.

Too bad the 2nd 50% has no interest at all in stopping the first 50% from ruining our society, not to mention making the 2nd 50% look bad.

Yeah, seems to me the focus of this article should have less to do with obnoxious bikers and more about hypocritical cops who abuse their status to break the laws we pay them to enforce.

Yep. If we’re dissing Lemon for complementing her tits, why isn’t she getting any shit for showing them off?

And your “contribution” is nothing but juvenile name-calling, which is what Regressives do when bereft of facts.

And Mickey D just paid out $20 billion in dividends to the shareholders who do no work at all. But go ahead and blame the people who actually do the work because they have no rights, right?

The point of asking why people think they “need” a firearm is because there’s a discussion going on as to regards whether or not certain people should be allowed to possess them. This does not apply to food, shelter, tvs, or anything else which is not a deadly weapon, because nobody uses any of those items to commit

If you don’t know the difference between a gun and a tv I’d have to say there’s a lot you don’t get.

Whenever I need to read about serious feminist issues, I come here to Jezebel and see story after story about the Kardashians.

When I can kill dozens of people with my tv from a distance, then re-load it and kill dozens more, you will be perfectly justified to ask me why I “need” my tv.

I would say that’s the lamest excuse in the world for having a deadly weapon. Such an arguement reveals one to have the mindset of a spoiled child, which is exactly the opposite of the maturity and responsibility required to bear arms.

Who the fuck cares?

Because being poor and black excuses everything.

This is kinda scary. I mean, it gives me the Willys.

Don’t forget to keep a fire extinguisher handy by your bed. If someone breaks in, spraying them in the face will blind them or at least force them to close their eyes. Next you kneecap ‘em, then bust them upside the head with the canister.

Seems to me like the ones who are ok with rape are staying there.

1865 is less than two centuries, fyi.