
So, I’m eating leftover spaghetti, drinking Narragansett, and....

So, no more bankruptcy? Don’t tell me. Try telling it to Donald Trump.

Oh, so now creating jobs is “impossible”.

Oh, so because a few people were dumb enough to buy into the credit culture that the banks worked so hard to sell, no one should be bailed out except for the billionaires who crashed the economy?

Breaking up the big banks would create more jobs, and make them more competitive, which would benefit consumers.

A lot of those “deadbeats” you so sneeringly refer to are honest folks who paid all their bills in full and on time until their jobs were shipped overseas or lost to the recession caused by Wall St. leeches who never personally suffered even the tiniest jot of the misery they caused. But keep digging.

Um, no. Consumers who get foreclosed lose their homes and all their equity. Consumers who go bankrupt lose their credit and ability to borrow. How were these rules applied to the banks that got bailed out? The banks were given trillions of taxpayer dollars, and yet we had a recession that saw millions of workers lose

I wonder what would have happened if we voting taxpayers had chosen politicians who thought it better to bail out consumers instead of criminally predatory bankers?

Grand Total: $16,401.65

Yeah, I would totally join the Mobile Infantry just for those co-ed showers with her. The Bugs would eat me alive, and it would be worth it.

Ben Carson does not scare me.

You seem to forget that Linda McMahon ran for senate in CT and got her ass handed to her.

I like it.

Boo! Hess!

If we brought back slavery today, tomorrow Trump and his ilk would say that the slaves are overfed and their cabins are too cozy.

OK, I can see assigning a pregnant to desk duty to avoid liability, especially in the third trimester. But tollbooth duty? Yeah, nothing like massive doses of exhaust fumes for your baby!

That’s why my first comment on this story was:

Because hackers.

Paper ballots.