My ex was like that. One and done. Our sex never lasted much more than half an hour, and I was lucky if that was once a month.
My ex was like that. One and done. Our sex never lasted much more than half an hour, and I was lucky if that was once a month.
You must have applied a lot of concentration to come up with a reply that camp.
So, if Worcester is pronounced Woostah and Gloucester is pronounced Glostah, how come Dochester isn’t Doostah?
This. A CEO who makes 1,000 times more than the average worker does not buy 1,000 suburban split-level homes or 1,000 Chevies or Fords.
If you think the economy is tough on the poor now, just wait until robot cars and trucks wipe out every driving job. How many people drive trucks, taxis, busses, etc? We’re talking tens of millions of jobs taken by machines that don’t buy anything and don’t pay rent or taxes. The billionaires who own them will become…
I’m so disillusioned to hear of this. I would have thought that The Black Keys and The White Stripes are like Ebony and Ivory, fitting together in perfect harmony.
New headline: “Room full of cops have no problem with fellow cop groping and harrassing waitress trying to do her job”.
I love pointing out top Regressives that replacing a worker with a robot means replacing a consumer with...nothing.
So, you want to make sex legal to sell, but illegal to buy?
Slavery is wrong wether it’s sex or agricultural labor. Farm workers are horribly exploited but you don’t see anyone going on a hunger strike or demanding that all food be banned in order to stop it. Legalizing sex work won’t stop human trafficking, but allowing free adults to choose to work in the sex trade may lower…
Married couples can have love without sex. Sex workers and their clients can have sex without love.
Boston cops also need to be investigating if there were others involved here. If so, they...
As long as we’re doing satire:
“[Bernie] might be the easiest [target] because he’s somebody who’s dealing with the people more directly than a Jeb Bush or a Hillary Clinton.”
“According to the one source for information, the car uses a lot of parts from the Zaporozets 966, which makes sense.”
Well, this is a digital medium, after all.
And when the libertarians get their wish and drown government in a bathtub, do you really think that corporations will be warm, fuzzy, and freedom-respecting?
Just like when radio stations make you hate good music by playing it to death 65 times over.
It’s even more perfect when you cross out Russia and Crimea and write in U.S. and Iraq.
Would it be ok if I, a het CIS white male called you a bitch? Even as a term of affection?