Cognitive Decline

True Story:
Hanging out, passing the bong, drinking the beer, and whatever. One guy leaves to go home. We look out the window a good while later, he's still in the driveway. We go out to see what's up and bang on the window - He FREAKS OUT. He thought he was driving home.
We took him back inside and put him to bed.

Grizzley Adams—————ZING.

Rust buckets chirping is also good.


Nice job Patrick. Very well written.

Lord - Freudian slip - Country Humor THING.
Oh, and I live in Baltimore and remember the very first time I heard Larry the Cable Guy, he was a big thing on 98ROCK. I thought: is this guy serious.
Good God he's had huge career! What does this mean?

I think Ron White is pretty funny, actually. He seemed really out of place on that whole Country Humor think they were doing.

Yeah, pretty bad. She always played that kind of dim-wit blond, but the was pleasant enough. And pretty. But the whole right-wing thing is totally nuts. I wonder if she was always like that - I mean you wouldn't think you'd fit in the SNL troup if you were that politically crazy.

And tape spools. Can you imagine?

Banacek? (not so much).

OH NO…another Dad show! First MTM and now this.
This was one of my Dad's all-time favorites. Mine too, actually. Spent weekends with Dad and bout all we did was watch TV.
The above clip is awesome…catch Tom Skerritt?
As I recall my Dad and I's running joke was that Mannix was always getting conked on the head. Someone

Very nice.

Yes, the sentimentality is taking its toll. I spent weekends with my Dad and we would watch MTM, on Fridays, I believe. I always think of him every time I hear the theme song. I hadn't seen if for a long time and then it popped up recently somewhere as a marathon. I almost fell over when I heard the opening.

I just watched that TMZ edit - Good God that's horrible. My kids told me about it but I hadn't seen it until now. I won't be surprised if Quaid suffers mightily over this as well.
What a nightmare - Has Trump's evil extended over every area of the land. Like Sauron?
(for the trolls)

Actually, I thought I read somewhere the belief that ALL dogs are reincarnated people.
I'm not sure how this helps though.
And even if they could learn basic words, they don't have the vocal equipment to use them. Except for those weird America's Funniest Home Videos where the dog gargles out a satanic sounding 'I love

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Especially when you consider the subject matter.

Pubic beards over distended (wolf) dicks. How Seventies.
Very funny.

I have an excuse…I'm hungover. OK? Please say OK.
I'll be more careful in the future. Pray for Mojo (Simpsons) :-)

Yes, but he's imbued with Cheney-like, unnatural, health. It stems from the evil one. Maybe we could send him on a hunting trip with DC and he'll get his head blown off. But, he'd probably just continue to rule, Simpsons-style, from inside a glass jar.
OMG - help us all.

He won't last 4 years. Something's going to pop and he'll be impeached - if he makes to the inaugural.
That being said, the little of the show I saw was pretty miserable. And Arnie just can't carry it. But I hated the Trump parts when he was on, it got so that I just stopped. And now…actually I'm ashamed I watched it