Cognitive Decline

Upvoted for eclecticism.
If you don't mind: how old are you? I'm astonished at your range of taste. I used to work at a record store and am abnormally interested in people's collections.

Zach really hits the 'epochs of aerosmith' right on the head here.
But for me the first is the only one I can seem to get behind. I played their music quite a bit in bands and then was working in a record store during their 80's rebirth - but it didn't quite take for me.
Almost like the ZZ Top turn from the Tres

Yes! And then civilization reboots, the Lazarus Effect kicks in and he starts a murderous…..uh, I just lost the thread.

He looks a little 'Mansonish' in the Fox ad.
Could you imagine the disappointment? You think YOU are the last person on earth…no wait, there's someone else!
and it's Charles Manson.

Hey Soylent - somebody just dissed The Omega Man over on the Last Man on Earth board. Thought you might want to know.
Other than that I can't think of anything to say about this show - the premise is ridiculous.

Wait…Omega Man was horrible? How about the first 20 minutes? I loved it as a kid.

Karen Black! George Kennedy!! James Franciscus!!!
70's Heaven! (weed was $40 for four fingers)

This book was all over the office, what, two years ago. So I did the usual and would turn to any page and sure enough, it did not disappoint from that aspect. But indeed, poorly written to say the least. Then I stopped by my horrible local Walmart to pick up the latest Stephen King for vacation reading and it was

Yeah, thought so. And I've read so much about it…I'm ready for that journey.

Hope! TX

My cousin, a notorious metal head stoner and general badass, LOVES this show and watches it to this day. Go figure.
I watch it sometimes for memory purposes. It reminds of time spent watching TV with my Mom.

Off Topic: Horror of Horrors
I haven't seen much of BB over the years, hard to do with children around all the time and having to watch what they want, etc. etc.
But did I inadvertently see the finale of BB just before this came on? Walter dead-staring up through the roof of his lab? Me thinks so.
(And just when I had

Junior Brown. I like it too and the guitar is very cool. Apparently his trademark.

Yeah, that hurt. Best thing bout The Stone though - Taibbi!
Taibbi sees all.

The worst thing is he just gave the Fox News loonies endless hours of "liberal media" Itoldyasos. This really does not look good for him.

I couldn't believe this when I heard about it, but it seems surprisingly listenable. Actually a *stroke* of genius - totally unexpected. The snippet I heard on NPR sounded good, not the croaking husk you would think. Sparse arrangements is an understatement - 4 guys. And the tune selection makes you think and listen

I agree, that makes sense. Excellent point.
Hey…my avatar finally showed up! Maybe I could have escaped an earlier drubbing…then again, maybe not.

Understood and well put. Thank you for your reasonable, thoughtful reply.