I mean, yeah he shot cruise missiles at an empty airfield. It was limited for sure, but I’m not sure it was much of a strike.
I mean, yeah he shot cruise missiles at an empty airfield. It was limited for sure, but I’m not sure it was much of a strike.
Cool ad hominem bro. Try making a point without calling names like an adult.
Trump mentioning “LGBTQ” in his convention speech does not undo a generation of Republican fuckery on the issue of gay rights. Anyone that thinks it does is willfully ignorant.
Yeah exactly, those same people ignored the presence of Mike Fucking Pence on the ticket.
Start with the red ones, I’m sick of seeing them.
This is a misconception. From an economic perspective, student loan payments still count as economic activity. The best case scenario from a GDP perspective, if all the forgiven debt is spent elsewhere in the economy, is GDP par. If some of the money is saved rather than spent, which presumably it will, it could…
This isn't true. I paid off my loans this year and I would be at a fundamental economic disadvantage to those getting their debt forgiven if this plan is implemented. Where's the bailout for those of us who already paid off our loans?
Being in the cupcake group did this team no favors, they looked wholly unprepared to be challenged.
Can confirm all of this.
This is the correct take. The Japanese dairy industry is massive.
This is a misconception. The history of dairy cultivation and application in the cuisine of Japan is long and storied. China, Korea, etc do not historically have dairy in the diet, but in Japan it’s not uncommon.
*In some other countries, not all.
Oh FFS, not everything needs to come with a trigger warning.
That person is dumb, in denial, or both.
Hey guess what? Other peoples’ sexuality is none of your business.
I may be alone in this, but does anyone else think it’s bad karma to have kept up the attack after, I dunno, 10 goals?
So true. Splinter sucks, I don’t know why I’m still here.
We have reached peak stupid.
This is so great.
But.....this wasn’t an issue of privatization.