
Same with me.  I grew 6" and gained 60lbs in about 12 months in my last year of high school.  I too had a lot of issues with light headedness and fainting.  Adolescence sucks.  

“This is the most public yet of my many humiliations.”

ThAnK YOu.

If you’re a Knicks fan, or a recovering Knicks fan like me, there’s no other prism through which you can view bad luck other than a continuation of organizational ineptitude.  

The international terminal at LAX is nice.

Nah, it's way too old.

Yep.  Susan Sarandon and all the rest of the limosine liberals bear a lot of responsibility for this.

One of the many reasons I gave up on the Knicks.  Linsanity was the only thing that tempted me to come back, but Melo ruined that like he ruined everything.

20m people got insurance through the exchanges, up to 40m people in total received access to insurance since the law was implemented, but since it’s not through the exchanges you can’t be sure if it’s causal or correlative.

Insurance markets don’t work if you have a system where free riders can enter the pool when they’re sick and drop out when they’re healthy.  It’s as simple as that.

So the law that increased access to insurance for 20-40m people that previously didn’t have it was in fact a secret plan to get fewer people using insurance?

You have a really poor understanding of how insurance markets work. Without some sort of penalty for people without insurance, you end up with one of two things:

How is it possible that New Orleans is in the Western Conference?

Walk away, it's the best thing I ever did.

Needs more stars.

Get a grip on what?

1000x this.  Beto was a heart throb on this very website when he was a challenger to Ted Cruz, but now that he’s a presidential candidate he’s bad because....reasons?

You’re confusing debt and deficit.

I’m so sick of no one calling Trump out on these tariffs and who actually pays them... it’s us!  Whether it be importer or consumer, it’s someone on our end.  Of all the lies, this is the most egregious.