Cognac McCarthy

Always lowlight truthers.

To me, the last model looks blue with black hair.


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I was just showing this to my wife a couple days ago. It's oddly prophetic now given The Body Issue that ESPN the Magazine has been putting out the last few years.

Those birds are my god damned heroes.

Yeah, Jenny's got it all figured out

Jenny Johnson is a garbage person with garbage jokes.

This is about as sound as advice on this topic gets, but LDRs are all but impossible to maintain without some kind of endgame in mind. There's no one on Earth so special that you won't eventually come to realize that, yes, you can in fact live without them.

I think it also depends on if there is an end in sight. For me, I was overseas (Afghanistan) for a year...I think it makes it easier when there is a firm date that it will be over (plus all the vacations and stuff). I think if it is an indefinite event then it could be harder, as the likelihood that one of you will

You missed the most important part of making long distance work:

Step 1: Start providing alcohol to and having sex with an underage person in your zip code.

Once you accept your SO is cheating on you every other hour it gets easier.

He's really having a Banner year.

he has the How figured out. Still working on the Why.

Say what you want about Chris Farley in 2015, but at least he hasn't sunk as low as Rob Schneider.

Jeff Wise has a plausible theory about how Putin was behind this

OP is a prick, but please spare us the Grammar Policing. Nothing he wrote was indecipherable.

At the History Department, in Mesa Vista Hall, a bunch of the instructors have signs on the door that calculate how many more instructors the school could hire and for how long with the money they spent on the football program. The numbers are pretty scary.

I'm not a real MMA fan, but that's always one of the more troubling bits about the sport to me. I, of course, get it that securing victory is important, but the amount of (additional?) brain damage that these guys seem to incur after a knockout feels completely excessive and barbaric to me.

Macário: [is punched into another dimension]