Cognac McCarthy

I haven't been in three or four years, but it was awful back then. One of my best friends met his wife there at about 1.45 in the morning. You know how that story ends...

No evidence would be "boy, those Patriots sure are tossing, catching and holding onto that ball well today in this rain. I bet they under-inflated their balls."

Evidence is: Finding that, through testing, 11 out of 12 balls were, in fact, significantly under-inflated.

There is of course now further investigating to see

Yeah, totally agree. I watched an old Mayne Event ESPN posted yesterday showing how equipment nerds prepped Favre's balls. There about 8 of them with their own sanding device to give the ball a good rub down, then baby Aaron Rodgers tested each of about 80 out to make sure they were good for Favre. There's just an

1. Nobody south of Foxborough has believed that Belichick operates with even the slightest amount of professional integrity for like a decade, so I wouldn't too concerned about his reputation getting destroyed.

Uh sorry but if I spent my career working in a field and someone tried to come in and shit all over it and tell me my business I would get defensive too. The funiest thing was listening to all the assholes on WEEI & The Sports Hub say what does this guy from NASA know? Again Wilson the company that made the footballs

Yes it is. It is not incontrovertible proof that a burglary took place. That's not what evidence means. It is just an item, a fact, that makes the existence of a burglary more likely than it would be without it. That's what evidence is.

As for evidence, yeah I mean forget the fact the reputable scientists like Neil Tyson Degrasse & Bill Nye have shit all over your "independant investigation." I mean forget the fact that the manufacturer of the footballs also said what your "in house team" discovered is fucking impossible, everyone is picking on the

Yes it fucking is. It is evidence of burglary being fucking committed. It is not conclusive evidence of a burglary being committed. But it is evidence of it being committed. You don't want to jump to a certain conclusion based on the evidence available? Fine! But stop pretending that there is no evidence. There

There is actual evidence! That's the point I'm making. Read. What. I. Fucking. Wrote. There's evidence. Almost all of the Pats game balls were under inflated! That's evidence. You don't agree with the conclusion some people are making based on that evidence. Fine! But it's flat out wrong to say there's no

So? That doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. That just means there's an explanation that's consistent with both the evidence and no wrongdoing by the Patriots. But the evidence is also consistent with wrongdoing by the Patriots. So it's wrong to say there's no evidence.

Shut the fuck up, idiot. Read what I said. The person said there is no evidence. There is...11 of the 12 balls were under inflated. So that's evidence. You may not think that evidence leads to the conclusion that the Patriots did what they're accused of doing....but it's still evidence of it nonetheless.

Spare me your stupid fucking explanations, and spare yourself the time of writing them. I don't know what happened to the balls, nor do I particularly care, and I really don't care about truthers on either side. 11 of the 12 balls were under inflated. That has not been contradicted by anyone, has it? No. So

What the fuck is this?

The crown is not yours to offer. You haven't had it since 2004.

That 11 of the 12 balls were under inflated after the officials inspected them is evidence that the balls were tampered with. It's not conclusive evidence, which is why no punishment has been handed out. It's not direct evidence, but it doesn't have to be; circumstantial evidence can be every bit as good as direct

This isn't a criminal court. The Patriots aren't being accused of a crime. They aren't getting the benefit of "innocent until proven guilty" because they aren't entitled to it, not because the country is filled with big meanies just twying to bully the poor old patriots <sad face>.

11 of 12 balls were inflated below the minimum. You didn't hear about that?

"without one piece of evidence."

Maybe Cam refuses to eat because he's waiting to be vaccinated.

I'm always amazed when I see a line on the Pro Bowl. If you bet on the Pro Bowl, you have a gambling problem.