Your comment is completely and absolutely ridiculous and demonstrates little other than your lack of knowledge.
Your comment is completely and absolutely ridiculous and demonstrates little other than your lack of knowledge.
I’ve been reading too many of those anime hentai cartoons.....stopped to post and wonder why those girls in the stock photo are fully clad while in the hot spring / tub (and in lab coats too) and why are they not caressing each other....maybe another time....
Haha good call on her part! I was lucky that my parents warned me about interest when I was young. I listened for the most part but wanted to play with fire my senior year of high school and bought a pair of Doc Martens I couldn’t afford. That snowballed leading up to college, but thankfully I paid it off before it…
That is not a SUV. Is a fashion statement. Like a handbag, only pricier.
The problem with middle eastern engagement is that the countries themselves are artificial lines in the sand draw up by the British and French. They naturally end up containing various parties that have contradictory belief and ideology.I’ve yet to see a truly representative democratic Muslim state, even Saudi is a…
Awesome, Melanie! Your daughter’s lucky to have you for a mom!
Clearly your concept of party is different. One drink per hour is not a party. Hell, one drink per hour is not even a Tuesday.
My granddaughter’s a vegetarian like her mom. :)
I tried to get my girl to play the “Didgeridoo”, but she woke up, smacked me and told me to go sleep on the couch.
US made veg burger patties (Boca/other brands) simply taste like meat /beef, pardon my saying so, it simply turns my stomach, makes me want to barf. McCains sells some very tasty burger patties (100% veg) in India. I am simply sold over them and want to get some in my next visit. For more details, Google’s your…
Pretty cool. Yeah, reading Korean is not bad, but speaking it is an entirely different game. When I lived there it was handy to learn to read it for using Korean only maps or menus in small restaurants. I’ve completly forgotten it after leaving there.
Best: hiking trip for 15 days up the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh India. It was stunning. The views, hospitality, ambiance etc was all impressive. And stars, millions of them and hop, step and catch away. Amazing.
My Dad was the first pilot to make the vertical to horizontal flight position.
Back in April 2002 I showed up at the airport in Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia with a phrasebook, a return ticket to Beijing in one week’s time and no other plans.
This is why I use Linux, FOSS FTW!! I got so tired of installing one program only to click through 10 screen and block the installation of 10 different crapware programs that I moved to Linux (among other reasons), it confuses people when I show them how to install packages on Linux because it’s so simple.
I have the perfect response to the scammers now. I downloaded a 'panic alarm' app to my phone which blasts out a piercing tone at some ridiculous decibel level. I get the scammer talking, put my phone next to the handset of the landline phone (I have to have a landline as my cell signal at home is shit) and blast…
NoScript is still king, especially when I accidentally stumble on something that even Google or AVG can't or won't block.