
This article is the definition of pissing down somebody’s back and telling them it’s raining. The bias drip turns into a pool and the writer seems oblivious. Stick to video games, watch the “quoting” single words, and write something not for people in just your choir. Lazy writing,but more surprised at the editor who

Weak tea writer. You phoned this one in.

racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. This article is dripping with racism, but you don’t mind because it plays to your base. People like you and articles like

<iframe src="//" width="480" height="372" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

hmmm Jason Schrieier eh? What is recourse in the case if you and by proxy Kotaku are incorrect? Why not source and interview this article with the outlet with the original “leak”? Kotaku is quickly losing ground when it comes to journalistic integrity unless it realizes that it too was once not as big as it is. This

whaaaaaaat?!?!? no fuji golf or skifree?

good point! I second this motion.


no love for FF8... not cool

Gimme a break you weenies! Grow a pair and forget the PC, its business and when someone interrupts you and you don’t have the leverage to tell them to shut up or quiet down then you shouldn’t be speaking or you are in a meeting over your head. A perfect response to someone interrupting is as follows... “dont interrupt