Cogito Ergo Bibo

I love that neither Chaz nor Roger view themselves or each other as suitable objects of pity. Lord knows that both of them have every reason to, but they don't. They're happy, busy, productive and obviously love each other deeply. They've been through a series of events I can't even imagine facing and have emerged

@PollyPureBred: I've had my doctor prescribe over the phone, too, but it's only because I have a history of UTI's. I'm betting you do too, Polly, and that your doctor trusts you at this point. Poor Alice, from the sound of it, probably wasn't so lucky. Completely agree with Uristat. I keep it around, always. It can

@ErinJane: Please, OMG, don't do this again. Borrow money from an understanding friend. Try Planned Parenthood and see if they could help you out with free drug samples from the manufacturers. Something. Anything. An untreated UTI can become a kidney infection. Which, if serious enough, and left

@Madge: I really doubt that. I'm in my mid-40's and a lot closer to menopause than puberty.

@Robotube on PSN wants to play SFHD.: The other argument lurkerbynature makes is the best. "Mousepad" has context. A pad for your mouse. "Notepads" have probably been around even longer than maxipads. But an iPad? Nothing terribly obvious about what it is or what it does. A pad for your...i? But to every woman

Wow. Not enough that dolls set an unreasonable standard for realistic body image. Now they come with an unrealistically high expecation for hardcore 24/7 partying too? How could little Sally even hope to measure up? #amywinehousebarbie

@EndangeredRed: Maybe we CAN eat each other and have abortions, but there are consequences? There are just too many ways to interpret that. Fail. If you're going to try and make us feel bad for having both girl parts AND free will, you will have to state it much more clearly, wingnuts! #sarahpalin

@Lymed: Mmm. Dinner. "Back off! I caught it fair and square!" #sarahpalin

@Sev: Why am I now envisioning a computer game where you flip pills at tiny, unborn, not-yet-children? #sarahpalin

Personally, I think this is a smokescreen. They just thought her Newsweek cover was tacky and embarrassing to their True Cause. #sarahpalin

@la.donna.pietra: THANK YOU! The Sookie Stackhouse books are infinitely better. That said, though, they're really for completely different audiences. The Sookie books just aren't for kids. They target anyone who is grown up enough to know what it's like to have to work for a living, take care of a house and be a

@morninggloria: And your baby can communicate telepathically, grows about 2 months for every day she's on earth and brings on interspecies war, thereby endangering your entire family and all your friends.

My theoretically enlightened boyfriend (who probably wouldn't mind buying tampons for me, if it ever came to that) is fine with period sex (thank you, Instead!), but really disappointed me last night. I tried to talk about this article over drinks last night. He almost turned green and basically begged me to change

@Jessysaurusrex: I freaked a few years back when it looked like the company that made them was going to go belly-up. Stockpiled boxes of them. It was my own version of Elaine's freak-out over the sponge going off the market. "Hmmm. Are you Instead-worthy?" All my gal pals are converts. Why haven't they taken