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It’s a bit strange that there’s no mention of 9/11, when there hasn’t been anything affecting pop culture as much as that did, especially during the year it happened. Before Giuliani became known as a belligerent, Trump defending, hair dye sweating, Four Seasons Landscaping speech giving, Borat 2 shirt tucker joke of

Take off the low-rise jeans Hal. Hal, take off those low-rise jeans!”

Stargate SG-1, if it ever peaked it was around then before the move to The Sci-Fi Channel

Dunno if this counts as pop culture, but I think 2001 was a really good year for baseball. I’m biased because I’m a Mariners fan, and that was the year they won 116 games after losing Randy, Griffey, and A-Rod. Sure, they didn’t make the World Series that(or any other) year, but it was still a lot of fun. Also, I think

2001: A Space Odyssey

You mention that she is in No Time to Die, but not that she stole the goddamn movie.

I hear what you’re saying, and I’m very much an advocate for safe handling & operation of firearms (I’m an instructor, I’ll just leave it at that) but in this case, I’m still really hesitant to assign blame to Baldwin.

As any PR person can tell you, sometimes the best thing to say on a topic is nothing.

These selections remind me of one of the unrealistic aspects of SATC - the lack of family members. Aside from Charlotte’s brother appearing for one episode and Miranda’s mother dying, the only references to parents or siblings was one reminiscence by Carrie about her father and maybe a passing complaint about someone

The whole sequence about how “but I’m always the winner of the swimsuit contest” really brought home to me what a not-great person Madge is.

I don’t think that’s a bad thing — their version of Lenny Bruce on this show doesn’t pretend to be an angel, by any means — but I’d like to see the other characters, other than

I think your credit is a bit misplaced here. A person can go to a gym and exercise regularly for six months and can get in really good shape. No one can show up at NASA for six months and be an engineer. Remember, we’re not saying she’s an Olympic diver, or incredible downhill skier, or champion lifter. She’s in shape

As far as takes go, it’s not wholly without merit. There’s great stuff in the Master but it’s waaaaay too long and far too slow, and he doubled down on that vibe with Vice and - to a lesser extent - Phantom Thread. There’s things to enjoy in all three movies but he’s clearly making them mostly for himself at this

I don’t get why these reviewers like Inherent Vice so much.  Its such a garbage movie that goes nowhere and is impossibly slow and boring.  Its the ultimate in pretentiousness to give that movie high marks.  Its his absolute worst in my opionin. 

Nah. Phantom Thread is the second worst. Worst is Inherent Vice.

I think it was bigger and more of a cultural touchstone in 80s than you are giving credit for. It was everywhere.

Like anything else, fan service and reverence to the property can be an asset or a liability. If you ignore it, then you usually end up with what feels like a mercenary tie-in, an unrelated property someone slapped a few names on to get more people to buy tickets. If you crank it up too far, then you’re going to hit

I get that people are upset, but this is unacceptable hyperbole and dishonesty by Ruffin, and only helps fan the flames. Blaming the jury for following the law is appalling.

Hoo boy. The last 2 episodes were pretty dang terrible in my opinion (everything except a couple of good Lee Pace moments). Plot holes, unearned melodrama, rushed storytelling, the fate of the universe resting on completely improbable coincidence. Bleh.

I think the unnecessity of Nomi was more egregious, especially given her screentime and the fact that she was so publicized beforehand.

I get the impression they were laying the groundwork for her character having a larger role in a future film.  Which drives me nuts.  Every creative choice in these films seems measured in part by how it will synergize with or set up a sequel.  Just tell a damn story.  Don’t slip in some distracting subplot solely for