
Big shout out for those stunningly gorgeous Saul Bass style opening credits. They really set the tone. Of course Sarandon and Lange are great, Sarandon especially having fun with Bette Davis' not so veiled snark.

I loved that 'fuck you' from the other family! Yes, it's another example of cable-style freedom for language, but also delightfully mean spirited and unexpected.

I don't understand this episode getting an A- at all. he show is sub Pretty Little Liars, Lifetime movie, MTV teen tosh! As a Brit I have zero link to the comics or whatever. No idea if these people are supposed to be comic book famous so I am just watching it as a tv show. Yes, the former teen stars as parents is

If I remember rightly, J'onn knew Jeremiah for one day before he and original Hank Henshaw fought and fell into that pit. Not exactly the years of family history Alex and Kara had with him, right?

Agree the show has done a good job with Alex and Maggie but anyone else notice the totally different tone to the opening of this episode where it's made very clear Kara and Mon-El have been having sex. Compare to the episode where Alex is excited because Maggie "slept over."
So incredibly coy. Even in this episode

Agreed. It would have made more sense to have the detective, Maggie Sawyer be the one to ask questions. Mon-El hasn't had a serious thought apart from get into Kara's tights and kill Mr Mxy!

Yes to this so much. The Alex-Kara relationship has always been the heart of the show, but with them both in relationships there has to be some changes I suppose. The actresses are great together but the producers clearly value them very much. I'd say a couple of the very biggest emotional scenes for Kara in season 1

Ryan Murphy is an all or nothing tv producer. Extremely good like People v OJ or S1of Glee or hot messes like AHS, Scream Queens or the latter seasons of Glee. However as a Brit, I don't know how to feel about him exploring this story. Of course the casting is huge. I'm a big Paulson fan but I'm assuming they'll be

Love Rutina Wesley and she gave her character some depth that is usually missing in the villain of the week on the Berlanti shows.

This season of Nashville had been a return to form, with the characters acting more like real people and less annoyingly implausible storylines. There had been rumours Britton wanted out but I was still very sad to see her go.

Enjoyed Julie Benz on loads of shows. I remember wondering how we could take her seriously as sweet Rita after all those years as evil Darla, but she did well in a thankless role. All she really got to do was be a whiny tv wife whose chief purpose was to be a nagging obstacle. As someone else said, a proto-Skyler.

Very true. Berlanti, Ali Adler and others. It had a decent concept but the execution was dull. I liked the cast but can't remember any plots at all

Must admit, I'm enjoying this season of Legends so much more than last. Villainous Rip is more fun than self-righteous Rip and putting Sara in the captains chair was a good move. Indeed, I am finding Legends more fun than Flash and Arrow right now. However ALL the Berlanti DC shows are keen on throwing in new

Not a comic book reader so this trip to planet of the apes and the very poor CGI seemed pretty daft to me. The mission itself surely had a simpler solution than Barry battling the albino ape. Surely he could have got out of that prison cell a lot earlier or defeated the ape a lot easier.
I kind of like Caitlin and

This is Us manipulates your emotions probably more than any other show right now, but this one was just beautifully written, shot and acted. Sterling K Brown and Ron Cephas Jones have great chemistry and were at the top of their game, but I was also super impressed with Brian Tyree Henry - loved his soulful voice! -

Loved that little scene of Petra and Raf dream celebration dancing when they heard Scott's body wasn't on their property. So funny!


Which ever way you look at it, this has been the season of Mon-El. Amazing for a character who didn't wake up until episode 3 (I think.) Compared to the other new characters - Maggie, M'gann, Lena, Snapper - he has had by far the most screen time. Obviously as a potential love interest for the lead, he was always

Interesting. Not read the book but as a teacher, there is NO WAY you would deal with it like this. You carry it out like a police investigation, question the victim then the suspects and trap someone into a confession 😀😀😀

And we're quite quickly into the Good Wife style law suits. I'm a Brit but do cas s really go to court like, the same day or a day later? Pretty sure it takes months here .. or is it just tv law that moves so fast?