
I think they are STARTING to show Ontari as more than a violent psychopath, but we still got her eye gouging a rival and forcing Murphy into sex. There are a lot of opinions over whether she raped Murphy. He clearly sided with her and helped her out with her plans to ascend to the Commander throne. Murphy has shown he

I'm gonna stick up for Glee here (gulp!) Yes, Ryan Murphy's track record is patchy but Glee had 2 gay couples who had happy endings and in Unique, they were one of the first shows to have trans issues discussed - although Coach Biest transitioning was less successful IMO. In terms of representation, Glee was

It is boring writing that makes me stop watching rather than The 100s rapid short-cut filled plotting. I actually really liked the idea of the Commander linked to the AI but having set it up, instead it seems like it's going to be Ontari-led bloodthirsty Grounders v Pike-led bloodthirsty Sky people. Clarke as a leader


I binged the first 5 episodes this weekend and was intrigued although I had no idea what was going on. The show is a real mixture of cliche and unusual relationships. Rupert Graves cheating with the young cop - boring! The blogger going from sleeping with the drop-out brother to sleeping with the neurotic weird sister

I love Rebecca Mader as Zelena, she has a lot of fun being wicked! I'm not sure if I completely buy her emotional journey here - does she have a real connection with Hades? She does good work in the scene where she gives up her baby to Robin although I'm still suspicious of her. To be honest, I don't want all our

Really interesting article, thanks for the thoughtful look at the issues. IMO The 100 writers got into this pickle because they actively courted the Clexa fans, they developed a relationship that was important to fans but for dramatic reasons went for the most dramatic and hertbreaking end to the relationship,

Incredibly cheesy resolution with the people rallying to save Supergirl (where was Barry? Why did Siobhan's punch have superpower to knock Kara over?) and far too knowing Cat comment about them looking like the cast of a CW show. I am not a fan of Kara/ James so was not that keen to see them kiss - although obviously

Who would have thought so many of us would be transformed into Petra fans when the show started! I love the way they have developed her friendship with Jane - who has been far more of a support to her than Raf or her awful mother. Nice transition from 'of course you won't have to sing ' to Petra singing. :)

I detest the obnoxious Richie! Does HBO think he is redeemable or that we should sympathise with this appalling macho dickhead? He treats everyone like crap, including poor Ray Romano this week. Not sure how much longer I can bear this self indulgent rubbish..

IMO part of the issue is that JR and the writers were happy to interact with those young Twitter/tumblr users to promote their show, they actively engaged with young gay fans and misled them that they had nothing to worry about. The episode was built up as a huge event (but don't worry fans, Lexa will be around in the

Always enjoy the quick bits of humour like astrologer Dolly Wells funny bit part. I wish Liza had stayed away from Empirical a bit longer as it was rather unrealistic how quickly she left and then returned. Enjoy that Charles - an obviously more age-appropriate match since he was introduced - has been only gradually

Agreed. I've loved Merrit Weaver since Studio 60 and she was great on Nurse Jackie. She is funny and delightfully non-Hollywood shaped! Denise had a nice little arc of being a fairly useless doctor to finding a role and her own strength. Plus we got a lesbian couple - so of course she had to die! Kill those gays TWD…

This is the sort of show that really needs to be on Netflix or similar so people who didn't watch because of the off putting title can catch up and see how clever and sharp the writing is and how brilliantly witty the musical numbers are. LOVED the Dream Therapy song (always great to hear Amber Riley's wonderful

Is there a worse show for terrible cliched female character right now? Poor Olivia Wilde strips off for a weak storyline, the fab Birgitte Hjort Sørensen gets NOTHING to do but look a bit sultry and assorted secretaries are largely fuck toys! Bobby Carnavale is doing a great job of being an enormous dickhead who I

A very generous B- AV club! Considering other shows get lower grades… I really like Younger but this was not a good episode at all. The sheep shagger was indeed one long setup for a daft joke and the engagement was very dull! I enjoyed the mean girls pals dumping Liza in it by getting her to tell Kelsey they were

I enjoyed this a lot. Although Lauren's overall skills made her an obvious winner, Tim and Nicole were very likable and their personalities came through more.
The final showstopper seemed over prescriptive - it HAD to look like presents, (did they specify three or did all the contestants just choose three?) and the

This series is just so gripping and makes me so mad!!! Poor Brendan, how can that kid be treated that way!
I've been catching up on The Staircase (as the author of the post was talking about it) and the way a rich dude like the guy on that, gets bail, gets all these experts, the best legal representation contrasts so

Really good list. Delighted to see Jessica Jones so high on the to list and loads of other great picks too. Well done AV club peeps!

I am a huge Bake Off fan and here in the UK it is just massive. The final this year was possibly my favourite TV moment (US people, if you get the chance watch - and get Trump to watch too, British Muslim Nadiya is a national treasure!!)