

That’s not a plot hole, that's just a thing that happened in the movie. 

Weird.  My audience cheer/laughed hugely.

An oldie, but still relevant:

The world is not ready for the sheer volume of amateur lawyering we’re about to see.

No, I can’t remember when things were fun. Because I’ve been constantly told that while I was having fun, other people were not having fun. And my having fun meant that I was ignorant of the people who were not having fun, and thus unable to improve or conversely made worse the plight of those not having any fun. So

The tone of this article, to the fact they had to apologize, to the total nothing level of offense in the messages themselves. The internet outrage culture is so tiresome. 

Remember when things were fun? Like...people had fun, and did fun things, and we all laughed and said, ‘hey, that was fun’? Did I dream all that up? Or was there actually a fun time, before this time, which is decidedly un-fun?

Thank goodness that even though the future in TD2 is bleak, that there is a ray of politically correct sunshine.

Your question is, “am I a loser if I don’t have kids, don’t watch sports, and don’t enjoy cinema”.

By “adult nerds” do you mean people who like enjoyable movies you insufferable twatwaffle?

Straw Manning my “answers math”?”

“That is just not true”

I know, like 90% of the “mysteries” were explained at some point during the course of the show, but people need things to be explicitly detailed, because people are morons.

Ah yes, because if you don’t assume the worst of everyones intentions, how can we ever do anything good?

I feel bad for the Russos.  Like, they have to be internally eyerolling so hard at this, but they have to suck it up and answer waves and waves of inane questions that have nothing to do with the actual movie.  

Of course this would be a topic of discussion. Someone always has to find the littlest details to complain about and make it into an issue.

People need to stop saying that there’s zero benefit for the consumer when a game in exclusive. You don’t know what the circumstances are to make a blanket statement like that. Sure maybe it’s true most of the time but not 100% of the time. For example, Bayonetta 2 would not exist if Nintendo didn’t offer to fund it.

Game developers getting 18% more of your money is a huge benefit to the customer: The game developer can invest more in the games you love, and has less incentive to depend on trashy DLC models.

I can see a game set in Roman times rounding out the “Ancient world trilogy”, but I could never stomach a whole new Rome trilogy. We already have the Ezio trilogy. If they were to revisit any setting from there, I’d much rather see Constantinople.