
I just wanted to say thank you for mentioning MUDs. Most people I know who are hardcore MMO players have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about when I bring them up and offhandedly say that I still pop in for a couple months once or twice a year. And yes, real life takes up significantly more time than when I was

It’s like you’re speaking to my soul. So much agreement with what you said, I wish I could like it 10,000 times.

Generally, women get raped and men get motivated to grow as characters because of that rape.

“For male showrunners, sexual assault is always the go-to when looking for ‘traumatic backstory’ for a female character.”

never forget

13-2 was much better than 13, but I wouldn’t only consider it to be an extremely good game in comparison to 13. 13 was a total trainwreck I couldn’t stop watching. 13-2 was just an average game at best. Studios have had to shut down after releasing RPGs much better than FF13-2.

Technically I did give FFXIV a try, but only the beta for the first version. Didn’t like it much and never tried the reboot. As for XIII, I liked XIII a lot, even if a thought the story got weak in the second half. XIII-2 I wasn’t a fan of at all, so I skipped the third entry.

The thing that bothered me about FFXIII is that I felt very few of the Final Fantasy staples were there. They could’ve called it another name and I wouldn’t know it was supposed to be a Final Fantasy game.

I agree with this more than completely.

Totally agree specially with the final XIII Stuff, I enjoyed that saga (heeeyy don’t burn me) also western people are criticizing the sh*t out of XV and getting to cocky comparing with Witcher 3 and Skyrim and thinking that every game should be focused on those and FF still being a Japanese RPG.

Good games is not equal to good Final Fantasy (13-2 13-3). Rarely you felt like you were playing a decent FF in those two.

It also had quite the voice acting. One of the few Japanese games were I prefered the English dub.

Settle down. They’re refusing to sell them supplies, not giving them free blankets.

I am not 100% sure about Canada, as I have never received a package there, but in the US, on every service I have seen (USPS, UPS, Fedex, DHL, or small carrier service) the requirement of a signature is always an option. That is a Sender option though (however, typically required if a sender insures a package). Via

Insert console wars preference here.

Honestly though, I’m glad were both able to play these awesome games. I’ve had a blast playing through WD2. The only thing that seemed like it was missing was the Seamless MP, to break up the monotony of some parts of the game

This is stupid, and should not be a thing. I understand that sharing explicit images is probably not advisable, where anyone can see them — they shouldn’t be patched out of mature games.

Speak for yourself, man. I’m gonna get in the best shape of my life and goad these assholes into all kinds of silly shit. I’m a white Protestant male, what are they going to to do, arrest me?

This is me after answer the same quesion for the 12th time during class.

Some might say this type of game has become... routine.

This is your best take by far.