
Well... If you insist.

Nice point. People who gleefully engage in or accept without comment wholesale gore filled violence and murder, probably shouldn't be too judgey about gaming morals.

Probably not the people playing murder or violence simulators, but I'm sure there is a niche group of people or they wouldn't make them at all, but I'm sure there is a little cross over.

No, it's sad that you couldn't sit through class without playing with your toy.

Holy fuck, the people replying to you are the embodiment of everything Millenials are always accused of - self-centred and entitled to the max. "We pay for this so we can do whatever the fuck we want in class." Yeah, nah, this is not how college works. Playing with your phone in class is disrespectful, and your

I just read all the replies you had to this and can I say... know, do what ended up happening in many classes at the college I went to when it became a problem. Teacher confiscated all phones at the beginning of class (unless there was an emergency situation where a student actually needed their phone, at which point it remained on the desk) and returned them at the

Anyone see this. The guy went to Spain to capture all the real world objects the original team used for textures.

You put Star Wars in my Star Trek and now the universe is going to collapse.

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

I'm down for whatever, as long as I don't wake up to a flurry of twat mist in a forest of cock shafts.

Xbox players, get ready to be majorly PWNED by desktop gamers (at least for FPS anyway)!

Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.

This is why we can't have nice things.

This is one of the best replies I've read on Gizmodo. Excellent commentary, clear explainers, concise information, and presented with just the right verbosity for an average reader to comprehend.

None of us are the same person *by that relation* as we were when we were born. We're constantly replacing cells throughout our lives. And as far as Star Trek is concerned, their transporter system is a bit *different*. The trek transporter - as described by the technical manual and Mr. Scott's Guide, does not use

It's tough to wait, because all the gaming media, the company itself, E3, are all hyping the system/games up and you want to be a part of it. Then you realize the empty promises, get bored of it, and right when something actually interesting is coming there is a price drop / a limited edition model / or a crazy good

Can't believe Microsoft would announce something and then immediately take it back.