Oh.. noes! In an age where information is available to everyone willing to browse! Someone posted something somewhere else for others that do not visit X subreddit to enjoy! It's the end of the world!
Oh.. noes! In an age where information is available to everyone willing to browse! Someone posted something somewhere else for others that do not visit X subreddit to enjoy! It's the end of the world!
Far Cry 4. It'll best show off your new card, and The Crew isn't worth your time. Screw the NDA. You don't deserve to put up with awful handling, sub-par graphics, and boring mission structure.
I just bought one. Have had my PS4 since launch and I do not recommend the Xbox. It's so slow and buggy that I thought my system was messed up and I should return it. Only after talking to others did I find out they're all like this. Everything is tied to the cloud so you can't check friends list, or even unlock…
Watched the video from start to finish, twice. Paused in critical area's, and after close observation, it appears that the Xbox One version runs at a lower resolution (900p) as they said it was going to. A little bit more aliasing on the Xbox One, and sometimes the textures look less clear. PS4 and PC match…
just because you grab the last piece of pizza doesnt mean that there will never be any more pizza EVER.
Ender's game was more like Starfigter: The RTS
Just my reaction exactly. :-/
You mean, Ubisoft doesn't want reviews to go out prior to millions of people buying it first in case of a negative blow back? Color me shocked.
One does not simply sell a console without strong exclusives.
Something about Console Master Race... :)
I don't really care about the enemies a.i but hell my squadmates can't even shoot a enemy point blank. I've died several times already thinking my teammate was going to melee that guy standing right next to them but never did.
I like the cut of your jib!
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
A bit sour its not on the wiiu, It belongs on the console imo :P.
Sadly missing and will remain missing unless a reboot happens haha. I still want my Darkwing Duck figure.
People need to chill on that stupid nontroversy. The reason their aren't any Female skins for the main character is because of the nature of the games persistent MP. Everyone plays as Arno. So it wouldn't make sense for other players to use anyone but Arno in their own games. I agree that they could have very easily…
As Andrew Timson stated its not that its hard just that its expensive and time consuming to do an extra set of player animations. If the situation were reversed with default female characters instead of male characters, you'd have the same thing.
This content was not added in the past weeks. But yeah, people who have no idea of game development should not post stuff like that.
That's what I thought.
Black Desert