
I agree

*shakes head in disgust of your opinion*

I had to un-star this comment because you think Killer7 is a terrible game.

"eb should have a shitty game return policy"

Agreed. I love the AC franchise- the immersion into its settings is second to none and once a year, for just a few straight days, I get to really 'go' into a world. It's like an annual thing now, like a reunion almost.

End of the world bro. Take your eyes out or be stoned to death as a rapist.

Seriously, how do women even deal with it! I mean, He looked at her! She didnt even notice, thats how bad it is! My god.

What's the issue here? The guy in the background decided to look in one direction, then changed his mind and looked the other way instead. Just like Microsoft. zing

Except when that happens with Xbox One, you can't choose "No" and stay offline.


I thought your family was full of sheep. How are sheep going to play any games? Even the Kinect can't help them.

There are many reasons why a person would prefer the PS3 to an Xbox. Perhaps they like the PS3 exclusives, the free online gaming, the lack of region-locking and the better dependability of the hardware.

I'm not hating on Microsoft, I know they're just making money. Thing is, they're making money at my expense, and so I vote with my dollar.

My heart was literally racing for a second there, when that screaming witch showed up. The music adds gorgeously to the atmosphere.

Does every used game sale translate into a lost new game sale for developers? I've never bought that logic. I think the majority of used game sales are purchases that otherwise wouldn't happen at the new retail price. The developers aren't making any less money because there is a used game market. There's evidence

And I know some people cant afford buying every new game that comes out.

The real losers would be people who are missing out on some great games because of fanboyism.

Well you wouldn't want to look androgynous now, would you?

Sure, those stores would do fine, because game sales are just a small fraction of the money they make. The stores that solely focus on games are the ones that would hurt badly from such a thing happening.