
This is what happens when people who do not have the mental acuity to grasp a complex show like GoT, and started watching for the boobs and violence.

True, sadly at the end of the day, people will spoil things no matter what or when.

Well, Game of Thrones books came long before the show caught up, would it have been right for fans of the written word to spoil it for show watchers?

Well if Ant-man can go in his, why not!

So because something is digital it has more value?

Seems to me this has a lot more to do with her attitude about Trans folks than anything else....

My one and only question is, did they finally ditch the God awful Fresnel lenses yet? Vive had them, Pro had them, Rift had them, it has been years guys, time to move on from God rings and halo smudges.

Haha, soooo true. I am so beyond caring about the boos now, been waiting far too long for book 6. If, and it is a big IF, he finishes book 7, then I may dive back in to finish it out. But I am not holding my breath

Lol, not nearly as much as RR Martin hates them :)

No body, no funeral... Plain and simple.

I for one love the final nod of a scene with Cap and his gal. This was a direct throwback to Quantum leap ended, when Sam went back and saw Al’s wife and the dance they shared. Just felt like a nice nod to one of the forefathers of time travel.

And you think that taking a companies property to “preserve” it is somehow NOT stealing....

Keep sugar coating it.

Again, I go back to, just because you can justify it, does not make it any more right.

I guess no matter what I say you will not see the irony in this whole situation...

What is hard to believe is the mindset that these emulators are not being used to play games illegally acquired.

Oh give it up, justify theft any way you like, it is still theft.

So enlighten me then. What is the average users doing with their emulators? Because it is pretty clear what purpose they are for.

Honestly, what are the chances? You are making a product that can play pirated games, yet no pirated games were ever used in the making. Come on dude, you sound ridiculous.

All I am saying is they are getting a taste of what it is like to be a developer, and have someone come along and take your shit without asking. How do you suppose these emulators are tested? Last I checked it was with pirated games.