
Always one ass hat lefty that goes there. Did your social sciences class you had for one semester magically morph you into a world class CEO who can fix the world with memes and positive slogan posters?

Average Costco employee salary - 25-30k

100% worth going emulation. It is what I did to make the Wii look amazing.

And you should stop playing like you have any clue at how a business needs to be run. I love how as soon as someone makes sense, they get to be a boot licker. I guess then by that mindset you msut be a fucking moron for drinking the social media koolaid without knowing jack shit about finance or how a company is run.

Please go here, read the financial report, and once you understand it, please come back and let us know your findings:

And he obviously did a better job than OP at winning at life. Your point?

You may want to take a realistic look at the world. People seem to think that CEOs sit around with their thumb up their ass firing people on a whim, when in turn they run a huge fucking company, balancing 1000 spinning plates, and have their necks on the line to the shareholders if they do not perform.

And then went on to ear the company a shitload of money.

It all changes when you answer to the public. Sure private studios invest more in their people, but people going to get a job know where they are working and the machine. You want security, you go work for a indie dev. You want to make the next AAA game, you have to sign with the devil.

I sincerely hope they never let you run the show then...

Please go here, read the financial report, and once you understand it, please come back and let us know your findings:

Next time you are running a multi billion dollar company, you can run it differently.... There is certainly no shortage of armchair CEOs who seem to think that it is easy to run a business this big and could do a much better job, never lay a person off and be loved by the masses. All the while they toil away with

The part that kills me, is that a recycling facility will not recycle plastic bags, and a host of other things becuase it is not “financially feasible”, but I cannot have a fucking straw in a restaurant...

With luck, wrapping up KH 3, and maybe dip my toe into The Division 2 beta.

I always chuckle at comments about FB violating your privacy. WTF did you think they were gonna do?

KHIII for me mostly.

Y’all need to start listening to Larry Elder and Candice Owens more. I know it is not as click worthy as the sensational headlines, but continuing to perpetuate that hate train is not helping anyone on either side...

“Common” as in once ever 5 years or so.... Yup, sounds like climate change to me....

In all fairness, most people really don’t....

And this is why you do not let the great unwashed into a BETA, they have no concept of how these things work, and instead look to old tired arguments to further their hateful agendas....