
Amen brother!

Just finished it up last week. It was not too bad actually.

Wow, Rape has changed a lot lately....

Holy shit, could you imagine if a white guy wrote a list like this about Black, Hispanic, etc?

Thanks, I was not seeing this, did some searching and last I saw was in the early summer.

Well if you go off VG Chartz, which is actually low on the PS4 numbers based on what Sony has told us they have sold through already, then they are moving close to a mill a month.

Well if you go off VG Chartz, which is actually low on the PS4 numbers based on what Sony has told us they have sold through already, then they are moving close to a mill a month.

Haha, well month to month sales on the PS4 are just shy of 1 million units.

Well, everything except PS4, but who’s counting....

Depending on the sound the proper social convention is to laugh or recoil.

No, but it is incredibly misleading to have an article about the 10 min excersice to shape your “whatever” when in reality there is no such thing. Ergo, the entire point of this article...

Oct 27th is gonna be brutal...

I have to say I am looking forward to getting back to a land based AC. While I really enjoyed Rogue’s story, it felt tedious by the end with all the sailing, kinda felt the same with ACIV. Loved it at the start but by the end I was DONE traversing little islands.

I am on a mission to catch up on Assassin’s Creed. I am years behind now.

Like killing the entire cast of Rogue.... This showed me Disney is ready to play ball with the dark side of Star Wars.

Plot twist, I am pretty sure Snoke is talking about Rey, and we may see a complete role reversal. Rey joining Snoke and Kylo getting seduced by the light.

Sure it does, if people feel ripped off, they tend to respond in kind.

Sure it does, the record industry cries foul about how much lost revenue they have because people steal music, yet I can record it from Youtube and it is fine?

For sure. This is why I am really opposed to games without a demo. Back in the day I used to be a hardcore pirate. There was very little I didn’t grab and try out. But maybe 1 in 100 did I actually play more than 30 mins and if so, then I usually bought it.

Actually, there is one working model for HTC vive already as an add on and Intel is almost done theirs too -