Not sure where this review was going, but you lost me entirely.
Not sure where this review was going, but you lost me entirely.
I follow Chris’s reviews because he is incredibly valuable to me - I almost never agree with him. I wish people would understand that a reviewer with different tastes than you isn’t “wrong” - they’re just as necessary to identify as reviewers who share your taste to a T.
To contrast, it currently has roughly 1,000 positive reviews on Steam, and about.... 20 negative reviews.
hmm a lot of other outlets seem to be enjoying this quite a bit...
Having a lot of fun with it personally, love the look of the world, and I find the car combat to be good, addictive fun. Foot based combat is kind of basic, but it also feels brutal and solid.
I chalk up most of the bad press the game is getting on open world fatigue.
Not sure what the relevance of this comment is in that context but there’s really not much evidence pointing towards it.
Not to mention they pulled the game off of Steam when it was going for $10. Now they’ve put it back up for $40. Not even an updated version mind you, the same no-DLC included, bug riddled mess it was when it launched.
I kinda wish they made it so that the Xbox One would just work with this damn thing that everyone already has.
Because the instruments worked natively with the 360 since they licensed out their wireless protocol. Where as the PS3 instruments all came with their own dongle to use with the system. So they were able to program the dongles into the PS4 version of the game where as the Xbox One uses a different wireless standard so…
One major factor when it comes to the story of this game: here is a timeline showing when each game is supposed to have taken place:
GRMike: It’s unbelievable. It’s so unbelievable, buddy.
Man Fulfills Dream To Be Asshole In Comment Section
It’s probably because other people liked it.
I liked the game, a lot even, but I never seemed to love it. I think the cricket bat was what did me in. Seemed like there were just too many situations where I’d die, seemingly without any legitimate reason because of the whole “punishment” mechanic. I get that the bat had to be a little weak, I mean not EVERYONE…
“Fake Christian B.S.” So the entire concept of their religion?
Ahm, no. Limbo was a Thing in catholic church. The Pope “decided” just in 2007, that unbaptized babies were not going ot limbo, automatic upgrade for everyone!…
“ The outdoor queue at the Hollywood Studios attraction replicates the treetops of Endor (with a massive AT-AT Walker, but whatever, it looks cool)“
I’m not sure what is meant by this. Are you saying an AT-AT shouldn’t be on Endor? Because there is totally an AT-AT on Endor in Return of the Jedi. The night Luke turns…
Bout tree fiddy
In answer to some of your questions: