I know what you mean. I'd actually forgotten about it for a while, but the idea of an open-world, vehicular-combat-based Mad Max game, made by the Just Cause people? Oh dear, I'm drooling again.
I know what you mean. I'd actually forgotten about it for a while, but the idea of an open-world, vehicular-combat-based Mad Max game, made by the Just Cause people? Oh dear, I'm drooling again.
You see...I know what you meant to say, but I think it totally came out wrong. If you know what I'm saying.
LBP Karting is so slow it's painful to play. It has some lackuster controls too. I would not recommend this or ModNation Racers over Mario Kart 8 and Sonic Racing.
Man, no Carmack talk this time. And with the lawsuit, I doubt we'll ever see Carmack at Quakecon again. I haven't liked anything id has made in ages but Carmack's talks were always awesome.
my roommate's parakeet was named grandma, and we'd frequently hear "grandma get back in your fucking cage!" in an amazing Philly accent. That doesn't contribute to the convo, but you reminded me of some fun times.
Because it was inevitable.
The Hamburgler has competition now...
"Take a note. Dear Nintendo, more Dr. Mario less promos. Signed your meal ticket."
I have taken a pretty long break from Halo.. I am ready to get back into it. Wish this came to PC though, but i don't mind getting an XB1 for it, since i plan on having all the consoles by the end of this year.
Pushing all blame to an employee and saying that his actions have irreversibly damaged the brand is what you consider a good response? I see that as a sloppy response.
(sighs) I am a grown adult with a TMNT shower curtain. I never thought there'd ever be a reboot I wasn't going to see.
"Build a sandcastle for the kids," they said. "It'll be fun" they said. "What could go wrong?"
The reason you cannot choose both is to prevent people from buying the same thing twice, assuming they didn't have ps+ or bought the game when it wasn't offered as "free" through ps+. It's just a safety measure to prevent people from spending their money multiple times on the same thing and they don't remove the…
dork? maybe...nerd? perhaps...asshole? nope, that's you for being so judgmental of another grown man's hobby preference
Except not as upset about a $15 copay, since he has Magic Johnson's business card
/band name search 2014
Dick Halloran from "The Shining" FTW
No... just no.
Wooden beams, spoked wheels, fabric spools and foot pedals existed long before the cotton gin, so did Eli Whitney not actually invent the machine which propelled textile industries into the modern age? Just because he put other components together that he didn't conceive from the ground up, even though it was nothing…