Jesus was a SOCIALIST!!!!
Jesus was a SOCIALIST!!!!
This is a bad take. Trump was the most beatable candidate the GOP could have produced, and the Clinton folks managed to piss away what should have been a slam dunk.
My Dad is 86. He’d make a great president. Has all of his wits about him and there is something to be said for having lived through an extensive arc of history: immigrant family; the Great Depression; and more than anyone’s share of wars. Also the economic rebound after WWII, the oil crisis of the seventies, and the…
What a contrast to the Bundy occupation. Maybe if they were armed and white and had absolutely no claim to the land and water, they’d be treated like actual American citizens.
This is bullshit. Just because the left “picked” Hillary they all need to unite and support her?
Those two states wouldn’t have changed the outcome. And people voted for Stein because they didn’t want to its for Clinton. They would have skipped it or voted La Riva or maybe even Trump.
Every single time. When black people were the largest Dem voters yesterday, with black women being the highest voters, followed by black men.
I nearly lost it on twitter when someone tried to blame black people because only 88% voted for Clinton versus 93% for Obama. Oh but you don’t want to talk about the white women who voted in droves for Trump?
Clinton and her campaign were responsible for their own great campaigning during the primaries, and they won. Clinton and her campaign were also responsible for their own campaigning during the general.
Hillary would have lost even if all 3rd party voters had voted for her. Majority of white voters voting Trump and the gutting of the of the Voting Rights Act, that probably took away votes that she could have used to swing a couple states, is the reason.
I want to also put in a pitch for the American Immigration Council, which you accidentally left off the list. It does great work!
If you like laid back people, craft beer, nerdy stuff like a scifi museum, planes, or legal pot then you’ll enjoy them. Victoria is also highly recommended. You can take a ferry over.
So what you’re saying is she’s an imperialist and a colonizer, maiming and killing and doing it the name of “the people” and “democracy”. Wait. you know what that actually sounds accurate.
Meh. Born and raised in NC and lived there for 28 of my 29 years. Just because it LOOKS like a lot of supporters doesn’t mean there are. In my area, people registered Democrats, put up Republican signs, and voted mostly Dems. I know several wealthy families that have put up Trump signs but are voting Clinton (mostly…
Three years of probation is NOT a cakewalk. She probably couldn’t afford it, and/or didn’t have reliable transport for it, among other likely barriers. She may also have needed to work past curfew.
But a year in jail wrong?
Yeah. It’s more that gay men get the same fucked up cultural training that everyone else gets . . .
Let me get this straight. The disgusting aspect of the leaked tape isn’t its contents, but the fact that it was leaked in the first place?
“These kinds of insinuations have really started bugging me over the last 6 months...”