
GWB made a living off of "bombastic speeches"? I don't think he ever delivered a single bombastic speech nor tried to. And while you can't fire a president, MSNBC could find a dozen better representatives of African American liberals (we just start Tavis Smiley as a one).

Why they put this lying, race baiting, poverty pimp piece of shit on TV I'll never understand...

He's ALWAYS been a jackass.

The guy is so far gone, he went all Yoda on a couple of sentences and then almost drowned in his own spit. Crapped myself when he said Sigernoi Weaver.

Reading a teleprompter is hard.

guy doesn't know how to read words

Political? No. It's just some guy who doesn't know how to read a teleprompter.

I'm not sure why anyone listens to this Race Baiter! He's a joke!

How does a guy who makes a living off bombastic speeches not know how to read???

How did this piece of human garbage ever get any sort of political traction. I'm just amazed his show isn't on Fox News. Looks like MSNBC has become just as terrible as Fox.

Is it that he can't speak or can't read that has everyone wondering.

You can't halt climate change, nobody can... It's been happening for millions of years and will continue for many million more... man is not causing it, it's just the way the earth works...

It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.

I hate all things Fox News, but I actually agree with their position. This whole incident comes across as PC-theater to me. Sterling is a scumbag to be sure, but realistically so are all of the other 29 owners of NBA teams, just to differing degrees. Now they've got Sterling to hold up and distract us with while they

What, did you tube and yahoo shut down their comments section?


Well, another victory for the speech police

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.