Coffee Nut Shot

There is no consent. I got stuck in a group with 5 of those douchebags just today. they were a 5 man pre-made that queued anyway because they were tired of waiting. i got fucked, they go their lolz. there is no way in hell me reporting them will do anything because they can’t mathematically rack up enough reports for

I’m fairly certain monochrome movies are forbidden in Asia.

Are you serious right now? Fucking GUNDAM jumps out of fucking SERENITY to fight MECHA GODZILLA. That entire sentence is mind blowing nerd porn and yet it actually happened.

Because it stops being evil when you are given license to make your own version of a money fountain...

“ I do not at all think Hammond is a hamster out of water. Overwatch is a game about a time-traveling lesbian whose best friend is a talking outer space ape. He fits right in, y’all.”

After attending the pride festival in Houston this past weekend, I came to the realization I think I always knew I would come to—this has gone too far. The world knows LGBT people are in our society, and that isn’t going to change. I’m all for the celebration, but it now borders on beating everyone on the head with

I’ll sell you a “authentic” one for $200

I’ll sell you a “authentic” one for $200

Meanwhile, Best Buys all over Houston have dozens in stock.

Meanwhile, Best Buys all over Houston have dozens in stock.

Well okay then, I retract everything I said previously.

But the plans are unlimited, just not the unlimited you want. Unlimited 3g is still unlimited (slow) data. That’s not a lie. None of the carriers have ever said (to my knowledge) they were giving you unlimited 4g on your phone and/or hotspot.

As far as I’m concerned all these carriers can go to hell, but to be fair you’re trying to create smoke where there isn’t a fire. All of these plans are giving you unlimited PHONE DATA. They aren’t lying or misleading by calling them unlimited. So what if they are charging you more for more guaranteed 4g? If you need

tell that to my buddy, who “5-golded” their way through most of their 10 placement matches as Brigette, and went 8-2 for a 700ish SR, while i intentially fucked around as Zarya and Widow for 10 matches, maybe had more than 2 medals 3 or 4 times, went 4-6, and ended up in gold.

Obviously, you remove the battery to put the game in...

If this had been me on the plane, and they tried to get my puppy stuffed in the overhead compartment, one of 2 things would happen:

I just want someone to rationally explain one thing to me: why is it that people who don’t care about winning, and live and die by the “it’s just a game, I’m here to have fun, winning is a bonus” mantra can’t be happy staying in QP or arcade, instead of queueing for ranked when they know they will get flamed by the

Someone needs to tell that guy that all the prominent characters from the series were physically IN Japan, whether they were Japanese or not. They may have been FROM somewhere else, but the entire setting is Japan and whatever game they are in.

my dog doesnt get in the bed until we are sleeping. then somehow the 14 lb ball of fur can manage to push 2 people to the edges of a king size bed and take up the remaining 80% on her own. fuck cuddles, she wants the whole bed.

thats definitely a robo-voice.

thats definitely a robo-voice.

I may or may not work for the guys with the stupid checkmark logo stolen straight out of wingdings or webdings or whatever-the-fuck-dings highly researched and professionally collaborated and market tested forward thinking logo, and they may or may not have been blasting the employee news home page with propaganda

i’m actually physically disgusted by this, and angrier than i should be over a store not involving anyone in my family.