EEeeeeeaaaah! My Stanzaaaa!
EEeeeeeaaaah! My Stanzaaaa!
"The Phaeton was designed to be better than all of its luxury flagship, and in many ways it was"
So a 3-series is a woman's car... but a Porsche Cayenne isn't? Was she from Oppositelandia?
Juke R, just a one (or two?) off for now, but here's hoping Nissan loses all sense of sanity and unleashes something remotely like this on the market.
You guys misunderstand him. By "drool-worthy" he means that you'd have to be a drooling mouth-breather to think that pos looks good.
Only YOU can prevent Vertical Video Syndrome.
Agreed. Can we get a nice clear side or 3/4 shot of the car in good lighting? These pics are terrible.
If you opt for the coupe or hatchback you get the option of the higher SX trim with a 200 hp turbo'd engine.
"Drive this, die a virgin." Said by the man who has obviously never been to Dragon*Con
You forgot to figure a way to somehow convert the engine to DEEEZIL
/checks site header
No no, this is Jalopnik, not Autoblog.... are you sure YOU know which site you're on for that kind of comment though? Seems kinda Autoblogy to me.
What tapes do you have for it?
Murano Crosscabriolet?
Jessica Fletcher preferred to murder her victims using poison, but she did shoot a few of them. (of course she's the one who actually murdered all those people then framed someone else, you really think a small New England town would have that many homicides?)
Cleremy Jarkson, or "Clezza" to his friends.