Coffee is for closure

So, friends at work had been telling me about this woman that I just had to talk to and that she would be perfect for me. I had not run into until last week when a co-worker texted me to tell me she was in the breakroom and I should go say hi. I went out there, saw she had her headphones on, and chickened out.

Yep. I hate the chase part of things so much. I haven't had a relationship last past 8 months since an engagement ended 9 years ago and it seems like I am always dating, enough that my friends all kind of worry about me. That said, my most recent ex sat down and talked about what we like and don't like in bed (we both

I wouldn't worry about the DJ guy then. Currently I have a photo on my refridgerator of me and two friends. One of whom is now dating the ex-wife of the other, and that divorce happened in March. The ex-husband is apparently fine with this. I was going to go for it, but I thought it would be a bad idea.

I say go on that hike. If anything, its a fun thing between two friends. And maybe you can get a reading on whether to pursue it any further. I say that if you do this, and you feel any type of uncomfortable about a relationship with this person, then leave it be. But if it feels good and there is no uncertainty

This week I've had two friends have big relationship changing things happen. Last month, a friend and his long-term partner got into a big fight. He has some issues stemming from his divorce a few years ago (his wife had been carrying on an affair with a man for a year and then left in the middle of the night) and

I've had this happen a few times and I'm still friends with those people. One was the fiance, who is also a good friend of mine, of one of my friends. We almost dated prior to this, but I dragged my feet and missed out. We both got drunk, and then admitted our feelings and kissed. Then we both realized it was wrong.

Eh, maybe. I live in a smallish town and more rural area and the women I get matched with always tend to be bots. There are real women on there as well, but I never get matched, or if I do, they seem to have higher standards that I can't meet. So, I guess it is a little discouraging. I don't have any experience using

I'm late to this as I just watched the whole season this past weekend, but this was probably one of the hardest episode to watch. I was diagnosed with clinical depression in high school (and almost failed many of my senior year classes because of it ruining my honor student status). This past March I had a long-term

On Sunday I finally got to sit down and loaf on the couch after two days of non-stop activity. I watched Creed, which I wanted to see and heard was good, but I was not expecting it to be as good as it was. There were some parts that didn't really work for me, like when Adonis is running with the dirt bike gang, but

My favorite TV opening is probably still Perfect Strangers, although Hart to Hart is pretty great. And I had never seen the season 1 opening of Wonder Woman. 80s movie trailers are all mostly pretty great. The one that I had never seen before was Star Trek 2: Wrath of Kahn. It really builds up that movie as mostly a

Not too much for me. Saturday was the big 80s party that I was part of the band for, so I spent 6 hours after work on Friday rehearsing and setting up the room. Rehearsal got a little heated too as the band leader was stressed out leading to everyone else getting stressed out. We left that night all kind of at each

Say what you will about this song (mostly that it sucks), but it did give us one of the best Shreds videos ever:

That is even worse!

I'm generalizing here, but she grew up in small town and probably has not read or been exposed to much feminist theory. Maybe I should say she is a "accidental feminist".

Whenever I have a bad date, I remind myself it was never as bad as this one.

That sucks. If it makes you feel any better once I had a date bring along her new boyfriend because she didn't want to be rude and cancel.

I wouldn't. That's why I have no problem ending this now.

This is one of my favorite books ever. I keep meaning to pick it up again because I blew through it in a day, but man it is so so good.

Played two gigs last week. The Thursday one sucked. Four people and we were very drunk, although I met some cool out of town bands and almost hooked up with a statuesque blond Italian lady. Our second show on Saturday was awesome. We intially were to be the second band on, as it was some singer's album release party,

Brew Keepers, a new West Virginia based brewery. Their IPA is great as is their pale ale, which tastes a lot like Dale's Pale Ale. Speaking of Dale's, that's the other beer that I have been drinking and is probably my summer beer of choice.