
As Rachel Green’s mother Marlo Thomas once said “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Jen will take the high road, but in private I hope she drinks champagne all day and ignores her phone except to laugh at Courtney’s texts.

I’m tickled. Not for their children, but fuck Angelina. Brad, too. No sympathy for them as a couple.

Can Jonah Hill be their pool boy a lá forgetting Sarah Marshall

The old saying, “What he’ll do with you, he’ll do to you” comes to mind. Once a cheater always a cheater.

A+ gif usage.

is this gonna be like a ben affleck thing where brad goes and lives in george clooney’s pool house for a few months because

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This is the exact kind of celebrity gossip that I need to balance out the horror that is this election year.

This comment is a hare’s breath away from being too much.

You’re really shelling it out today!

I don’t mean to be calloused, but he could use a little lotion.

and he used to be so shy! so happy to see he’s started to come out of his shell.

We will all be actually dead if it is Tom Hanks.

Please don’t let it be Tom Hanks, which was the name that sprung to my mind. I’d die inside.

If memory serves, he had a friend murdered by gang violence when he was young, and he has a “What about black on black crime” priority as a result.

Seriously, you’re doing too much. Don’t do anything

uh, Cinemark isn’t suing anyone.

The seeking repayment of court costs was a threat made specifically to get the plaintiffs to settle, as by every legal standard the theater was not liable and the lawsuit was frivolous. Unfortunately, since this was a high profile event, the plaintiffs had many lawyers willing to take the case on contingency hoping

Actually there are a lot of people in this country that don’t like or applaud suit happy people. Scrambling to blame someone (who just might happen to have money to give you payday) is disgusting behavior. The sole responsible individual is in prison. Everything else is greed. It sucks that now they have an enormous

They believed in what they were doing has nothing to do with a lawsuit being frivolous. They were suing the party with the most money. There was very little altruism here on their part.