You are a good people.
You are a good people.
Well said. Too many times while growing out my ‘fro I’ve had people just run fingers through my hair. WTF. What if I had lice or something? And contrary to that whole “you can touch my hair” experiment someone tried a while back, NO. Consent is always required. Do not pet me. That goes for other Black people, too.
I read that and became furious every few pages, if not every page. The things they don’t mention or rephrase to make people feel better about the dark side of the nation’s development is abhorrent. I’m so glad I read it, though.
After watching the documentary, I bought the book and started reading, too. Holy crap.
BLACKS?!? Don’t say this. You’ll give off a Trumpy sort of vibe. The Blacks, the Mexicans, the’s not okay. Just say”Black people.” And not all of us use this word, as a term of endearment or otherwise.
I love Christmas, but I HATE when they do this. It’s nothing but dumb, sappy movies with highly improbable plots that only involve the Whitest people on Earth who all live in the same quaint-ass towns. I’d love to go skipping through a winter wonderland of cottages looking like I fell into a rack at J. Crew, but nope.
Sophia’s top 3 signs you’re about to die:
Some people don’t mind and it’s fine, but I’ve had people tell me my kids would be really cute because my husband is White. So, if he were Black,.....?
THIS. And most people don’t know, or think, that “mixed” is bothersome to people. A friend of mine used to say, “Mixed with what? Flour and sugar?” Same goes for “exotic.” Any time someone tries it with my kid, I shut it down.
My younger brother has his own proflie for this very reason. I’m curious as to what he watches, but something tells me that I don’t really want to know.
I read this and immediately thought of Little Caesar’s and wondered how pizza came into the conversation. Too early for me. I’m going back to my coffee.
Are you laughing and smiling on the way down just like The Comedian? This was one of the first graphic novels I read (The other was Maus....I’m a ball of fun, I know) and I love it.
Mitt can go drink fire as well.
The IT Crowd is a great show. It produced a lot of other hilarious gifs, too.