
The library I work at (King county library) also does that - we call it book match.

That was amazing, I actually laughed out loud in some parts.

Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger had a very gone girl vibe and I really enjoyed it.

All the lights we cannot see by Anthony Doer, The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins and all the things i never told you by Celest Ng are the hot adult books. I just finished Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger was a great suspense book. I tend to read mostly YA since Im a teen librarian but those are the grown up books I have

Always team Logan!

I also worked in Immigration at a large corporation that had a big software component to it. The people on H1B where paid the same as the US workers. There is just not enough software engineers to fill the need in the US. Thats why big companies are trying to make it so that they can hire more people on H1B and are

I love your Mom.

You should go. Chicago is amazing. I lived there for 4 years and my brothers still live there. It has everything you could want in a city. It also has a HUGE local music scene. Its sad to think a relationship might end but you do not want to spend the rest of your life regretting not taking this job. Also there are

me too!! Seriously give me all the tiny humans to snuggle and love on!

I think for people who are hyper religious there is SO MUCH pressure to have children and there is a premium on lots and lots of children. They see them as a blessing from God, not little human who are completely dependent on them for all of their needs. Then once they arrive and there is no magic fairy delivering

Yes. Had an on and off thing with someone for years. He finally had things going for him and thats when he decided to bail. I was so heart broken. Everything he told me was a lie. So I put the pieces together the best I could and got on with my life. I had a good job that I hated, but made decent money. He left the

I am so sorry. It could be doggie allergies! Snuggle your girl and try to think good thoughts.

I’ve had this dream many times over the past few months. I am in the apartment complex that was where my ex BF bought an apartment when we moved to Chicago. Except the halls are now carpeted with this beautiful flower carpet and I walking along the hallways, sneaking around trying to find an open apartment to stay in.

first off I am so sorry. My dog died of cancer in her jaw. But we got another year with her from the time of the diagnosis. Make the most of the time you guys have together and know that she will let you know when its time.

But yay Filipino food!

I was flying from New York back to California from my grandmothers funeral. I had a lot of sadness and conflicted feelings because we had been very close when I was younger and then didn’t see eye to eye on anything as an adult. I took a xanax and sat back for what I thought would be a calm flight home. A business man

I wish I was there to give you a hug and some donuts. Those two things seem to make things better. So internet hug and a picture of donuts.

Basically if you can roller skate to it, its a hit!

I am a 38 year old woman and I made my husband drive me around so I could catch Pokemon on Pokemon Go.