
Your fucking misogyny is my problem.

the swagger, that bird haz it. XD


Because male entitlement is so fucking hilarious...

Your dictionary doesn't know the term misandry because you have a copious amount of male priviledge. You'll never experience discrimination due to your genitalia.

This is so disrespectful. That woman is NOT his peer, she's his senior and old enough to be his mother. His male entitlement is so great that he thinks he's owed a date with a grown ass woman. What does *his* mother think about this? If my (hypothetical) son did some shit like this I'd tear him a new asshole. We'd be

Yikes! I'm so sorry you had to find your dad that way. :(

That's fucking hilarious. Dumbass puppy just can't take a hint.

What The Fuck??? This makes me seriously pissed!! How can sexual harassment not be a criminal thing? I'm sorry you and your roommate had to go through that. I knew an girl in college who grew up visiting Italy frequently to see family and she told me that the police were sketchy as fuck towards women and couldn't be

Go home Princeton Mom. Nobody likes you here.

O.o WTF lol

Link please.

This makes me so fucking mad! I hate it when people teach their kids that animals are like objects that don't have feelings. I know the kid isn't huge, but I'm sure the dog was at least a little uncomfortable. They're lucky the dog didn't get hurt from it and bite the kid reflexively. I want to give that poor dog a

This! So much this!

I'm going to dye my triangle hot pink. Just to, ya know, mix things up.

Aww shucks! I love your username by the way :)

"The women have to want it though."

As a woman, this article is chilling. I live in the Bible belt and have experienced sexism and misogyny on a frighteningly regular basis. I tend to be pessimistic and fear that we'll have more of our rights taken away and we'll be right back to where we were in the not so distant past. My mom and friends say it'll

My best quitting story happened when I was working at a coffee place on my university campus. I had worked there for two years before I quit. The main reason I quit was because of this one girl. She was a terror. She would call people: stupid fucking bitches, dumb cunt, homophobic slurs, etc. She also was lazy as hell

A lawyer finding something immoral?! Now I've seen everything!